Blast from the Past

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Bakugou Katsuki. When most people hear the name, they think of imminent death. They fear him. For what? The way he speaks. The way he acts. They fear what might be going through his head. Little did they know,

They had it all wrong.

Bakugou never wanted to hurt anyone. If you didn't see him with the people he normally 'hang outs' with, you might see who he really is. His rough exterior is all but an act. A role he has to fill each and everyday. No one knows who he really is. And he plans to keep it that way.
(That rhymed accidentally)

Bakugou POV
Age 4

Today is the day I find out if I'll get a quirk! Me and Izuku have been hanging out a lot recently, and I'm so excited to show him how strong I am! You know what? We'll become the best hero's of all time! He and I will be the greatest!

Me and momma walked through the hospital. The quirk doctor stuck his head out of a nearby door. "Over here please!" Momma and I walked in, and the Doctor signaled for me to sit down in a nearby chair. I complied and rested my head against the back.

"Ok, it seems he is missing a bone in his toe. That means he's going to get a quirk!" I did a happy dance and momma put her hand on my shoulder. "When do you think it's going to manifest?" Momma asked the doctor. "Should be sometime this week!" That lead to me doing another dance and momma laughed at my shenanigans.

The car ride home consisted of me boasting about how me and Izuku are goin to be the greatest hero's!

I laid down in my all-might pajamas. I closed my eyes and hoped to get an amazing quirk! I slowly drifted to sleep, slowly losing my conscious.

Bakugou POV
4 days later
I was sitting down on the carpet in class with Izuku, when all of a sudden, my hands started to feel like they were burning. The smell of smoke wafted through the classroom. And then, tiny little explosions erupted from my hand! "My quirk!" I exclaimed. Ms. Maki, my teacher, walked over to me with a smile. "Looks like Bakugou got his quirk!"

Now there was a small circle of my classmates surrounding me. They had a look of shock on their faces. They started to talk about how cool my quirk was. I guess my quirk is really awesome! With that in mind, I began talking about how I was gonna be the greatest hero ever!

Time skip brought to u by Todoroni

It was now pickup time, so I ran outside and saw my moms car. I quickly opened the door and hopped into the car seat. "Mom! I got my quirk!!!" "That's great honey, you can show it to me when we get home!" "K" I replied, my smile never leaving my face.

A few minutes later and we had got home. I quickly rushed to momma and she sat down in a bar stool. "Ok sweetie, can I see your quirk now?" "Yeah!" I stuck my hands out and concentrated. And then, little explosions floated above them. "Isn't it cool mom?" She looked back to me with a face of horror.

"Uh, what is it Momma?"
And then she slapped me.

"Do you think you can be a hero with that quirk?!"

My life was never the same.

Even A Hero Needs Saving Sometimes.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt