Reliable has Two Definitions.

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oh shit. look whos back. its me.

oh ps im on a laptop now so no more emojis and stuff

trigger warnings look like this


very noticeable now.

ok now read

Bakugou POV

The rest of the walk home was just one huge sobfest.

Haruka was leaning on Matchi. I was leaning on Haruka. I was bawling my eyes out onto his shoulder. Matchi was getting a bit better. She was supporting both of us, even though she was the first to burst into tears. I was still trying to figure out why. I had come to the conclusion that she was trying to forget. About what, you may ask? To forget about having to leave.

She was trying so hard to give us the best couple of months before they had to go. She was crying because Haruka had ruined her hard work.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we parted ways. I gathered my dignity and wiped at my wet cheeks with my calloused fingers. I needed to look presentable for mom. She would be home by now.

I walked through the old oak door and slid off my shoes. I slowly stalked my way through the bare hallway. I needed to be as quiet as possible as to not wake up mom, who was passed out on the couch.

I winced as I caressed a doorknob. The small noise echoed through the house. I paused and listened for mom to stir in her sleep. Luckily, she still lied there. I finally arrived at my room. The plain, white door seemed to match the dull mood.

I turned the knob and found myself in a familiar setting. My feet dragged across the floor. I turned my head to the right, only to see my red alarm clock. Memories coursed through my tired mind.

All the times I woke up, wishing I never did.

Well, it was 4:00. I had an hour until I needed to leave for the hospital. I was still tired from all the crying. I plopped onto my bed. It had orange sheets. I remembered how they used to be an All-Might on it. My head began to spin.

I guess its that time of day.


I picked myself up off of the bed. The soles of my feet smacked against the wooden floor. With a push of a doorknob, a rush came over me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My red eyes glared back at me. Red. The color immediately associated with evil. Just another reason I'm a villain.

I opened the glass cabinet and got on my toes. I reached my hand and felt around on the top shelf. My hands glazed over a brown box. I picked it up and brought it down to me. I slowly opened it and placed the shiny metal blade between my thumb and my pointer finger.

I moved my left forearm in front of me. I placed the blade in the middle and dragged it across horizontally. Thats when the adrenaline hit. I couldnt feel the sting of the cut because of the thoughts coursing through my mind at the time.

I finally stopped myself. I looked down at my arm. I realized I had gone too far. Rows upn rows were scattered throughout.


After I patched up my arm, I looked at the clock. 4:50. I needed to go.

Author note

Soooooooo yeah.

I dont like this chapter very much.

I tried to be more smart with my words, but that led to it being too slow.

I'll try better next time!

peace out dipshits

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