Relativity, Not Positivity.

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Bakugou POV

Damn, this kids been through a lot.

I walked over to Shoto, a gentle smile on my face. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked him calmly, as not to scare him. No answer. He hasn't spoken since he got here. I really care about him. Why, you may ask? Because we have a lot in common.

He has an abusive dad, I have and abusive mom. The only difference is, he tried to do something about it. It said in the file, that he tried to use his ice quirk on him. Sadly, his father was much stronger.

That made me envy him. He had the strength to stand up to someone who wronged him. I can't even do that. Because I'm a coward. Because I can't do anything for myself. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted.

"Doctor Bakugou, you need to get going now." I heard Ms. Kura, the girl at the front desk say. "Okay, thanks." I walked to the bathroom and changed into my school clothes. I stepped out and waved bye to Hisashi.

The road to school is very confusing. There's a left, then a right, then there's a bridge, then there's a cafe I have to walk through, etc, etc. I had just gotten to the cafe. I walked in and said hello to Mr. Aka. I stop by this cafe a lot after school. I also fill in sometimes. I'm thinking of applying for part time soon.

Now, I know what your thinking. 'Why do you want so many jobs?' The answer is simple. Do you really think I get money from my mom? Of course not. So, I need a way to make ends meat.

I made it through the cafe and I'm almost at school. Now I just need to walk a few more minute- "U-uh, hey Kacchan!" Oh no. Deku. You know what do Katsuki, dont screw this up. " Tch. Damn nerd." I said and walked away. Nailed it!

I finally arrived at the front gates of my junior high. From a distance, I can see my friends. And no, I'm not talking about the fake ones that only follow me out of fear. I'm talking about genuine friends.

There's 2 in total. One of them is a boy, the others girl. The boys name is Haruka. He doesn't like it because it sounds like a girls name. Personally, I think it fits him perfectly.

The girls name is Matchi. We like to talk about stuff together. But not about what's going on in my head. Only Haruka, Hisashi, and of course, the one who did this to me know about that.

They're the only people I can act like my self around. But all good things must come to an end. Both of their families are moving to America this summer. I'm going to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow, since school's almost over already.

I finally walk up to them. "What took you so long?" Haruka asked with his signature sly grin. I just sighed as I sat down next to them on the bench. Matchi then started a conversation. "Okay Baku, who's better. Justin Bieber or BTS?" That's the silliest question I've ever heard, so I replied with the true answer. "BTS by a landslide. Justin Bieber sucks."

She then went on a tangent about who the hottest member was. That earned a giggle from me. Haruka just looked at us like we were insane.

Man, I'm going to miss this.

Even A Hero Needs Saving Sometimes.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang