Dead Dreams and Sorrowful Smiles

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Bakugou POV
Age 14

As I said before, my life was never the same. All of the warm hugs I had been given had become all but a hazy memory. So did my dream of being a hero. I lost myself. Who I used to be. Now, the only person I have to live for is Deku.

Yes, I know that I act harshly towards him, but that doesn't mean I don't actually care for him. He's all I have left. Yes, I know what you may be thinking. 'You have a mother and a father.' Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but Mom has been abusing me for years, and dad's long gone. During one of my moms 'episodes' he was caught in the crossfire. Long story short, mom hit him with a bat. Cause of death, blunt force trauma.

And I know about that terminology because I'm skilled in the medical field. I actually work for the local hospital, even with my young age. And I have to say, with how my life is going, it's going to be useful.

Earlier I said that I was only living for Deku, and he still shares my old dream to be a hero. That means that he's aiming for the top hero school in Japan, UA. Even though I have no desire to go, I have to do it for him.

Welp, storytimes over.

I slowly got out of bed. I winced at the pain that resonated from yesterday's beat down. I crawled on the floor towards the bathroom. The cold, tile floor soothed the pain. I stood up and opened the cabinet. You already know how this is going. A small, brown box sat on the highest shelf. My callused fingers glazed over it. After a couple second of reminiscing, I opened it up to be greeted by a very, familiar sight,

Razor blades.

A sorrowful grin arose on my face.

⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

I fumbled with one of the blood stained blades in my hand. I soon got a good grip on it and raised it to my forearm. I pushed down on the blade, ribbons of blood streaming out of my arm. Tears began to roll down my cheeks, though my smile never left. I got to 5 before I could stop myself.

Trigger warning over

I carefully placed the blade back into the box. I stripped (u pervert) and hopped into the shower. I turned the knob to the coldest setting, as to not irritate my wounds. After my shower I brushed my teeth, and put on my doctors outfit. I stuffed my school uniform in my bag.

I didn't bother with breakfast, not that I could keep it down anyway. I stepped out of the door and made my way to the hospital. After a couple minutes of walking, I stood in front of a tall, dull building, the same one I stood at 11 years ago, and the most recent years of my life. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by one of my work friends, Hisashi.

I don't really know much about him, other than the fact that he's an incredibly gifted doctor. He waved for me to come to him. I complied and walked over. "How've ya been?" He asked me. "I'm fine."

He sort of already knew about my mental state. He's constantly trying to make me eat, and trying to open me up.

I only had about 10 minutes to get to school. I know you may be wondering, 'why didn't you just go straight there then?' Well, that's because I needed to check on one of my patients. His name is Shoto Todoroki. He's around my age. But he's also the son of the famous hero, Endewhore. You heard me. It wasn't until recently that I knew who he really was.

A couple days ago, Shoto was brought here by ambulance. It had been reported that his father knocked him out. Fortunately, his brother, Natsuo was home at the time.

Damn, this kids been through a lot.

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