What a Cruel World.

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"Hide me."


"I said, hide me."


I was now hiding under the front desk at the hospital. I know, it's not the best place to hide myself , but I didn't have the time plan this out. My shaking hands were clenched over my mouth to keep me from screaming.

Have you ever gotten that feeling when your playing hide and seek? Like, if your found, the world is gonna end?


That's what I felt.

Except it would be the world I created. The figurative mask I spent years perfecting until even I believed I was happy. All gone. I would be shipped to some looney bin with people who think they can fix me. At least mom would be happy I was gone.

I heard the automatic doors slide open. It was Haruka. Shit. He must have followed me. While he was talking to Minako, one of the nurses. I snuck my way out from under the desk and into the halls. I silenced my footsteps as I made my way for one of the patients rooms. I pushed open the curtain.


He began to question my sudden appearance and I tried to come up with a lie on the spot. "Uhh I-I just wanted to talk to you about a couple things." Perfect! This way if someone barges in looking for me, I can just say I'm busy and then turn them away.

"Is it about that flaming piece of garbage?" The venom in his voice reminded me of my mother. "No, this is about you. Your being checked out next Wednes-"


Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-

Haruka walked up to me and turned to Shoto. "Who are you?"

(My name is not five weenies, I am Shoto from UA and I want to become a hero-)


He turned back to me. "Why are you with him?" I shrugged. "I'm busy, so could you go?" I made sure I talked professionally. "No, your coming with me. My mom is driving you to the mental hospital. You need help!-" "I DONT WANT HELP!" I ran out of the room and out of the hospital. I needed to get away.

My throat ached from sobbing. The pounding in my head was slowly fading away. I sat at the park me and Deku used to play at when we were younger. The swings creaked they swung back and forth, a phantom wind carrying them.

This world is cruel. I for one, should know that. I've been betrayed by the people closest to me. Unfair. The world is unfair. The scars on my forearms telling a horror story all on their own. The faint streaks of tears painting a beautiful yet saddening picture along my face.

To be born into a world, only to end up wanting to die?

What a cruel world.


Oop- not me crying over I book I wrote-
Welp I'll see u guys next chapter.

Peace out dipshits

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