Therapy Chair

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Hey dipshits,
Important a/n at the end
Oh and enjoy the meme
Kk sry for wasting ur time

Bakugo POV
I was sitting on Haruka's bean bag. He calls it the "Therapy Chair." He told me whenever I came over, we had to have a little therapy session. This is probably going to be the last time we do this, since he's moving. It's actually quite relaxing. Being able to talk about your problems with someone. Welp, here we go.

(this convo is gonna be spaced since its all dialogue kk)

"How are you feeling?"


"The truth?"

"Like shit."

"Last time you cut?"



"Before work."

"Last time you ate?"

"2 days ago."

"What did you eat?"


"Last question."


"Do you want to die?"





"Goddammit!" He rushed out of the room. I followed him through the hallway. He was talking to his mom.

He was selling me out.

I ran back up to his room and kicked open the window. I climbed out and clung to the sewer pipe. I hopped to the floor and ran. The lights of cars passing by on the street glared in my crying eyes. A mother and her child stared at me. That used to be me. My mother used to love me. And now,

You know.

My legs began to ache as they pounded onto the corse sidewalk. I finally arrived at my destination. The hospital. I pushed open the obsessively large door.

I'm really sorry this chapter is so short. I started going to this fine arts school and I've been really busy.

I'll still upload as often as I can, but it still might be a bit between each one.

I hope you guys are okay with that.

Peace out dipshits ✌️

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