Making the Last Memories.

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Bakugou POV
After school

I can finally leave this horrible place. Anyone else notice how much school and prison have in common? Cause' I sure have.

Me, Haruka, and Matchi are walking home from school together today. Right now, I'm in the bathroom touching up. I know that sounds strange, but my skin doesn't glow on its own. Especially with what I've been doing to it- "BAKUBITCH, GET YO LAZY ASS OUT OF THERE NOW!" oh no. Matchi's in one of her moods. "I'm coming!" I yell lazily.

After a couple more seconds of glow-up time, I walk out of the bathroom. Haruka walks up to me and gives his classic smile. Suddenly, it fades. "Holy shit. I just remembered we're moving soon." Suddenly, a flash flew past my face.

I turned to Haruka, who had just acquired a hand shaped mark on his cheek. Matchi slapped him. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" She asked with tears streaming down her face. "What did I do-"Matchi cut him off. "IT COULDV'E BEen *hic* perfect.." She just broke down into tears.

The event played back in my mind. Suddenly it hit me. The slap. The slap that changed my life. I could feel my eyes begin to water. A blast from the past. My broken dreams and sorrowful smiles. The relativity. Not the positivity. I joined Matchi on the floor, bawling my eyes out. I looked up to see Haruka.

It seemed he had caught on to both of our reasons for crying. He then joined us.

Just one,

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