Part 1

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It was another normal day only difference was that this was another new country and I have to go to a new school meet new people and take no worries of moving anywhere anymore. Due to my mum's work we have to move countries all the time. Thats why I chose to stay here with my grandpa and my grandma.

Oops i forgot to introudce myself. I'm Third. I'm 17 years. When I'm bored I like to do some movie reviews and like to draw stuff. I'm usually quite around people and I'm very smart. Not to brag or anything but I always get 100% in all my exams.

I'm always the teacher's favourite student in all the school I have been to. I don't have that many friends due to me moving countries all the time. But I have online friends. One of my online friends lives here. That's one of my reasons why I chose to live here.

But most importantly I chose to live here was because I wanted to live with my lovely grandma and grandpa. I didn't see them for years. When my parents broke up my mom got more busy and busy with her work which made me stay with grandma and grandpa.

I lived here but then my mom had to go to a different country. Which meant even I had to go with her. She loved me alot she couldn't stay without me. After that I never came to see my grandma and my grandpa. Till now.

I get out of my bed and walk towards my bathroom to get ready. Few mins later I come out of the bathroom and go down stairs where I see my grandpa and grandma sitting at the breakfast table.

"good morning grandma. Good morning grandpa" I say as I walk towards the table.

"good morning sweetheart. We were waiting for you come sit down" grandma says and gives me a smile.

We start eating.

"are you nervous about joining a new school and meeting new people?" grandma asks

"not that much grandma. Its not my first time meeting new people and joining another new school so. So I have practice" I say with a giggle.

"true" grandma says with a giggle.

"hmm I'm done. Third do you want me to drop you by car or by walking" grandpa asks.

"it's ok grandpa I don't want to trouble you. I'm already troubling you both by staying here I don't want to trouble you both any more" I say. I really didn't want grandpa to trouble himself to drop me to school. I'm already troubling grandpa and grandma by staying here.

"who said you are troubling us? We feel good that you are staying here with us. Your mother never visits us due to her work. Even your uncle is like that. When we heard you are gonna come to stay with us we both felt really happy. You are no trouble on us my son. We both missed you and your mom alot" grandpa says. Tears starts to roll down grandpa's and grandma's eyes. I felt tears roll down my eyes too. I ran to them and gave them a big hug.

"I love you grandpa" I say as I kept hugging them. My tears wasn't stopping but I didn't want to stop them.

"hey so you only love grandpa. What about me then" grandma says.

Me and grandpa giggle a little. "he only loves me not you" grandpa teases grandma.

"ohh really then I won't cook today. Let your lovely grandpa cook" grandma says.

"aww my grandma is so cute. I love you grandma. I love you both" I say and give them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok ok that's enough love for now. You'll get late if you both don't leave now" grandma says. I hug grandma one more time and gave her a kiss on the cheek. me and grandpa walk out of the house and wave grandma bye. Then we get in the car and drove off.

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