Part 7

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Khai walks towards where third was going. Third entered the toilet and start to do what he wanted to do. Few mins later he washed his hands and was about to leave when he was blocked by Khai.

"excuse me can you please move aside"

"see I really need your help. Please help me"

"huh? What do you need help in?"

"be my boyfriend"


"Yes. I mean not a real boyfriend"

"what do you mean?"

"see I want to break up with my girlfriend"

"Ok so?"

"see in the morning that girl who was shouting she is actually my girlfriend. I want to break up with her but I have no reason to give her for the break up. In the morning I don't know where and how you came and the misunderstanding happened. She thinks you are my boyfriend and I'm gay. That's the reason I want to break up with her. That's what she thinks. I'm not gay just to be clear. So tomorrow you just have to come with me for dinner at the XX restaurant. After that everything will be fine. Just act like we are together"

"Ok so you want me to be your fake boyfriend so you can break up with you girlfriend"


"you could have just said you just don't like her anymore and block her. Why do you have to do all this drama of you having a boyfriend and all"

"you don't know my girlfriend. She is a boxer. If she fights with any strong guy or women she will win right away. That's how strong she is"

"wow. But still I don't have any interest in being anyone's fake boyfriend so bye"

"please help me out please"

"I said no right"

"please I'll do anything"


"Yes anything"

"Ok cool"

"is it a yes"

"Yes but don't forget what you said"

"no I won't. Thanks alot"

"no problem. Now can I go"


"move aside then"

"oh yes sorry here you go"

Third leaves followed by Khai.


What happened between Two and un...

Two walks towards un. Un was on his phone.


Un looks up and sees two.

"Uh- are you talking to me?"


"oh. Do you need something from me?"

"not really. I just wanted to know your name"

"oh. I'm Un"

"oh hi. I'm Two"

"oh ok"


"Ok then I'll leave"

"oh ok"

"ok bye"


*in two and un's mind*: well that was awkward...

To be continued...

Sorry for the late update.

Thanks for your support everyone. Hope you all are safe and healthy. Stay safe stay healthy 😊💜


💜Fake But Real💜 {khaithird} {offgun} Where stories live. Discover now