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Yoongi didn't say anything about Saeyoon to his buddies. In fact, Yoongi didn't even come back for more than a few minutes to the shack-house to grab a nicer jacket and brush out his hair before going back onto the road.

Pulling up near her house again, he got back out, scanning the roads for police officers before jumping the fence and back into the yard.

Saeyoon sat under the same umbrella and in the same chair as the day that they met. Her eyes fell to him, and greeted him with a soft smile as he quickly hurried over.

"Take a seat, so you don't look crazy." Saeyoon nodded at the seat across from her, Yoongi plopped down carelessly (and quite rudely) into the steel, but comfortable chair. "Why do you keep coming back, Yoongi?" Saeyoon asked after a moment of silence.

He shrugged, staring at her, "don't know, better than being at my place."

"Tell me about it." She leaned forward onto the table, Yoongi gulped, but nodded. "'s not on the nice part of town, that's for sure. I live with five other dudes, all of them annoying, the one who owns the place gets into every bodies business, yeah, not a lot to talk about."

"The one who owns this place...does he know about us? I mean...about you hanging out with a rich girl?" Saeyoon asked nervously. Yoongi shook his head. "No, he doesn't, and he won't."

"Alright then, I just don't want you to get in trouble, that's all." She smiled a little, Yoongi chuckled breathy. "He can't hurt me, I mean...he can...physically...but I don't really care. When I get the job at the bar, I'm out of that place." Yoongi leaned back in the chair, resting his arm onto the table. "At the bar? There's nicer paying jobs you know." 

"You think I can get a job anywhere else?" Yoongi chortled, Saeyoon nodded, understanding "true, I see your point now." 

The two sat in silence for a moment. Before suddenly, a woman walked up behind Saeyoon, her hair tied back in a high bun, earrings brushing against her neck, her green dress tight around her curved body, her proper form intimidating. Saeyoon noticed Yoongi's unsure look and turned around. "Mom! Hi!" She smiled awkwardly.

"Saeyoon, who is this?" She asked in an unsure tone, eyeing Yoongi up and down. "He's a friend...I met him uh...when I was doing a walk about the flowers...and he told me about the flowers you planted." Saeyoon looked at Yoongi, fright in her eyes. 

"Really...well then, maybe he can help find you a boyfriend." She smiled a snake smile at Yoongi whose jaw clenched. "Don't you have the connections for that?" Saeyoon asked, her voice quieting. "Yes, but it would be nice to have some extra eyes pealed, by the way, Yunjun is coming back today." 

Saeyoon rolled her eyes facing Yoongi, who held down a chuckle, the daughter turned back to her mother with a fake smile, "yes mom." 

Her mom eyed Yoongi again, this time with a nicer look, but still looked a bit disgusted at the poor man's clothes. She walked away, heels tapping against the ground, when she disappeared back into the house, Yoongi broke into fits of laughter.

 "Oh shush!" Saeyoon smiled at him as he clutched his stomach from laughing, "your determination to Yunjun is appalling." Yoongi managed out. "He's not bad, just so annoying, never stops talking, I just want to punch his mouth into his skull."

Yoongi quieted. "Damn...aggressive a lot?" He smirked, Saeyoon shook her head, giggling, "I mean...only when I wanna be."

The two once again soaked in the silence that folded over them. Just silently admiring the others features. "How about we go somewhere?" Yoongi asked, breaking the silence. "Well, would it really be special if you weren't kidnapping me from my bedroom window at three in the morning?" She elbowed the table, resting her chin on her hand. "Okay, I wasn't kidnapping you, you went by will, and second of all, it'll be special, to get you out of this place." Yoongi defended himself. Saeyoon sat there in thought, eventually giving a slight nod. "We have to get back before seven." 

Yoongi nodded, holding his hand out to her and standing up, she looked at his outreached hand for hers, she smiled, taking it and standing up, walking out of the yard and to the front. 

She plopped into the car. Yoongi wondered who taught her about getting into a strangers car, even if she knew him, she didn't really know him.

But, he also had a lot more respect for women then other poor men from his side of town. He wouldn't harm a hair on Saeyoon, and she most likely knew that, for that had to be the reason she didn't really care she was going with somebody she hardly knew in their car out to a town she knew nothing about.

After they both got situated, Yoongi started the car, his eyes scanning the road for the appearance of cop cars, seeing none, he pulled out of his spot, heading towards the town. The old rundown town that wasn't very far from the rich neighborhood consisted of a dozen faded brick buildings, the gravel road rumbling under the tires of the mustang, rundown neon signs that flickered at night plastered onto buildings. Teens sprayed painted old walls, hollering and spitting towards the car while hollering and rough-housing with each other. 

Pulling to a stop in front of a parking lot, Yoongi could see the regret in Saeyoon's face. "Don't worry, nobody here's gonna hurt you." He gave her an assuring smile, which she took lightly and got out of the car. Yoongi hopping out as well, putting his keys into his pocket and locking the car, walking around the car towards her, he headed toward the door of the building, Saeyoon following behind nervously, watching the male teens shatter beer bottles against the wall. 

He opened the door for her, she gasped, being greeted with flashes of bright green and red lights, the sound of skates hitting against the floor, the chilly air flowing over their heated skin. 

The ice skating rink had a few people skidding across the scratchy ice. "Yoongi..." Saeyoon stammered, Yoongi leaned in over her shoulder, smiling, "come on, it's not scary." He led her to the side with a few benches. A person slid off the ice, walking on their skates over to them, a tall, handsome man who didn't look much younger than Yoongi smiled at them with cute little dimples, plopping into the seat across from them. "Hey Yoongi." 

"Hey Namjoon." He high-fived Namjoon. "Good seeing you here." Namjoon greeted, Yoongi shrugged, fiddling with his fingers. "Yeah well, got a date." He looked at Saeyoon who was spaced out, staring at the ice rink. Namjoon leaned in close to Yoongi, keeping his eyes on her, "good luck with that bro." He stood up, patting Yoongi's back and walking away. 

Yoongi chuckled, knowing he meant it in a lighthearted way, gently nudging Saeyoon from her daydream. "Wanna skate?" He asked, Saeyoon shook her head. 

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad, I promise." Yoongi stood up, facing towards the cashier that held all the skates at. Saeyoon sighed, giving in and nodding very slowly. "Fine...let's do it then." 

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