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Yoongi pulled out a new cigarette, lighting it and taking in a huff. Hopping the fence and walking over to the shed (which surprisingly was still in place next to her window).

Pulling himself up, he crawled to the window, sliding her window open. Saeyoon suddenly trudged through her bedroom door, slamming it harshly and plopping to her bed without realizing the boy at her window.

"Sae?" Yoongi asked after listening her curse a series of bad words into her pillow. She looked up at him, rubbing her eye. "God Yoongi why are you here?" She mumbled. "Because I'm here to kidnap you again." He smirked, Saeyoon sat up, staring at him. He turned his head to blow a puff of nicotine away from her room into the evening air. He looked back inside the room at her. "So, wanna come stargazing?" He asked, holding his hand out. Saeyoon stared at his hand, something had clearly happened, but he wasn't going to ask. His heart fluttered seeing her soft smile as she got up and took his hand, holding down her dress as she climbed out the window, Yoongi keeping his eyes up as she jumped down onto the shed next to him.

Sliding off the roof of the shed, he caught her as she fell into his arms. Their fingers intertwined as they ran towards the gate of her large yard, running out to the field next to the house. "You know...I have a date over." Saeyoon reminded him. "Yeah, I know, but you don't even like him." Yoongi looked at her, only she had been mesmerized by the way the glowing sunset faded away, the night sky and stars mixing with the euphoric glow, it was truly breathtaking. Even for Yoongi.

She sat down into the grass, laying back onto her back. Yoongi joining her. Despite the dying sun disappearing behind the horizon, it was still hot. But neither cared. Their eyes scanned the stars that became brighter.

"That looks like a horse." Saeyoon pointed at a few stars that formed the shape of a horses head, Yoongi smiled, looking at the stars. Only his eyes were attracted to something else.

He looked at her, the beauty of her face looked so unreal, he swore this had to only be his imagination. She pointed at more stars. "And that looks like a big bear! And those make a belt to a man...and the way the stars over there align look like the moon and the sun, what do they look like to you?" She looked at him but paused. She could easily see the stars in his eyes. The galaxy. A million butterflies lighting up his eyes.

Snapping himself back to his reality, he looked up at the stars. "Have you ever done late night drives? They're the best, playing music and singing along while staring at the stars." Yoongi smiled, thinking about doing all that with her. He looked back at her but came to a pause. Now she had the longing look, her eyes twinkling as their eyes locked. Maybe, just maybe, they shared the same feelings.

"What? What are you thinking about? You got a lot in that mind." He chuckled. "You wanna know what I'm thinking about?" Saeyoon asked, he nodded, egging her to go on. "Kissing you." She whispered.

Yoongi's heart dropped.

"Really? Is that really what you want?" He tilted his head a bit to look at her, she nodded, grass getting into her hair. "It was fast...I know...I have another date to get to...I just..." she switched the conversation but Yoongi rolled over on top of her. Their faces close, her soft sweet scent filling his nose as he took the cigarette from his lips and squished it, putting out the flame and chucking it to the side. "You know, I wanna kiss you too." He smiled. Saeyoon looked at him slightly shocked, but that didn't stop her.

The space between them closed, their lips connecting, her hands going to his chest, Yoongi tilted his head to fit into the kiss better. It was heaven. Yoongi tried to convince himself that everything was a dream, that he'd wake up inside his old room, dreaming of a beautiful rich girl who didn't belong in his world.

Yet the more their kiss became deeper and the sloppier it got, hearing her tiny moans, the more he realized this was so much more than just a dream. And he loved it.

He trailed his hand up her side, the hazy glow of the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the darkness soaking them up. Saeyoon moved her hands from his chest to wrapping her arms around his neck, his hands cupping her face. "Yoon..." her sweet voice managed between kisses. "Mm?"

"I have to go back...I have a date..."

"Mkay." He got up, pulling away, despite her not wanting him to. He helped her up, but the moment her feet balanced on the floor she pulled him back into a kiss. He chuckled, walking back with her to the house.

Helping her up onto the shed top and through the window. She turned around after safely making it inside, he was about to pull the window down when Saeyoon grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into another firm but soft kiss. He kissed back, deepening it. The door suddenly opened and Saeyoon pushed Yoongi back, slamming the window but not all the way, Yoongi quickly pressed himself against the side of the house. "Saeyoon?" A males voice came in. "Hi, Yunjun."

"Your mom said I should meet you up here."

"No boys up here, I'll be down in a minute."

"Alright, sorry, bye." The door closed. Saeyoon came back to the window, he heard her sigh as she opened the window and peered out the window. He quickly snuck a kiss on her cheek, but didn't pay attention to her reaction as he quickly jumped off the shed and disappeared once again into the night.

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