you've won

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Lily and Charlie looked eachother for a moment before Charlie took a hold of his sister's hand and followed Wonka to the elevator.

As soon as Will stared to leave the room the lights went off and all the macienes powered off. All of the oompa loompas left the room while Will, Charlie and Lily put their goggles away in a bin that was on the wall.

"So we still have so much to see, how many children are left?"

Will turned around and noticed that there were only me and Charlie stood Infront of him.

"Well there are two children left will but if your talking about ticket winners then Charlie is the only one left"

A wide smile spreads across Will's face as he grasped Charlie's hand shook Charlie's hand for a strangely long amount of time while speaking to him. 

"Where did all the other children go, oh well, my dear boy this means that you've won, I do congratulate you and I know it was going to be you right from the start, I knew you weren't like those other rotten little kids"

He took Charlie's hand and pulled it from his and turned around.

"Now we must keep going luckily we have the great glass elevator to-" He bumped into it and fell to the floor "- speed things along"

He got back up and lightly poked lily with his cane when she began to giggle. He opened the door and the three of them all filled into the elevator. Mr Wonka pressed a button labeled up and out, the elevator began to move up.

"Up and out?" Charlie asked "what kind of room is that?"

Will just gave him a creepy looking smile then said.

"Oh my goodness well have to pick up a lot more speed if we're going to make it through"

"Wait you don't mean -"

"Yeah, I do"

"But it's made if glass, we will smash into thousands of tiny little pieces!"

Charlie looked up at Wonka who just laughed like a crazy man. Charlie pulled his sister into him and they both closed there eyes bracing for the impact.

When they heard smashing but didn't feel any different they opened their eyes to see that they were perfectly fine and Wonka has pushed a button to make they elevator fly.

They looked below them and saw the other four children all walking out the factory with their parents. Agustus was covered in chocolate and eating himself, Violet was doing flips and she was still blue, Veruca and Mr Salt were covered in garbage and finally Mike was paper thin and double the height of his father. Lily saw Veruca turn her head to look at them and turned to Charlie.

"Hey Charlie watch this, keep looking at the rich girl"

Charlie and Will looked down at the girl.

"Daddy I want a flying glass elevator"

Lily said doing a perfect imitation of the girl as Veruca's lips moved forming the exact words Lily had said.

"Lily, be nice" Charlie said playfully pushing his sister as he laughed along with her.

"So where do you two live?"

Lilith stopped laughing and a frown made its way onto her face as Charlie pointed their house out to the man. Willy Wonka the proceeded to fly towards the house and crash the elevator through the roof.

"I think somebody's at the door"

The doors opened and the bucket siblings stepped out. Charlie went over and hugged his mother as lily went and stood in front of her father with her head bowed.

The bucket siblings and the chocolate factoryWhere stories live. Discover now