Mr Wilbur Wonka

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The next day when Lily woke up she was very confused, she didn't recognize this place at all. She got up from her bed and started looking around trying to find something or someone familiar.

There was a knock on her door and she slowly walked over and opened it to find Charlie stood there. She pushed it wide open and jumped into Charlie's arms.

"Well good morning to you too"

"Charlie where are we?"

"We are in Willy Wonka's factory, don't you remember?"

"Oh, yeah I do now" she said letting go of him.

She moved out the way to let Charlie into her room and he went and sat on the end of the bed.

"Isn't this brilliant?" Charlie asked her.

"It's awesome I honestly thought the whole thing was a dream it was so good"

Charlie chuckled at her. It took her a minute but Lilith noticed that Charlie was wearing clothes that she had never seen him wear before and his hair looked like it had some sort of gel in it.


"Yeah Lils"

"Why do you look so different?"

"Oh you mean my clothes, when I woke up and looked around my room a little more it turns out my wardrobe was filled with new clothes and I found the hair stuff in my bathroom, why don't you have a look on yours to see if you have any"

Lily walked over to her wardrobe and pulled open the doors. To her suprise it was also filled to the brim with new clothes. She was so excited, she hardly ever got new clothes.

"Charlie, look look I've got clothes too"

"That's great Lils, you should go and put some of them on and get ready for the day"


She looked into her wardrobe again and picked out a black overall dress and a plain white shirt. She went into the bathroom and got dressed, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She came out of the room holding a hair brush and had a hair tye wrapped around her wrist.

"Charlie can you help me with my hair please?"


She climbed up onto her bed and sat in front of Charlie passing him the hair brush. He had just started brushing her hair when their was another knock on the door.

"It's open" lily said.

Will walked in and smiled at them. He came over and sat on a chair by the bed.

"Well you two seem very close, I guess I'm not going to have to deal with any brother sister arguments"

"Oh no we have never argued with eachother, Charlie is the most important thing in the world to me"

Wonka smiled at the two children as he watched Charlie brush his sister's hair.

"Well, before we do anything today I would Lily to visit to hospital center to check her over"

Lily's eyes widened and Charlie stopped brushing and looked up at Wonka.

"Well you should know that Lilith is scared of doctors" Charlie told him.

Will mentally face palmed. This was not going to be easy.

"I'm sorry but we have to do it"


Lily jumped up and ran out of the sprinted out of the room, surprisingly fast for a six year old. Will watched her run and then turned back to Charlie who had a cheeky smile on his face.

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