An Uneasy Alliance

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"What the hell is happening?" asked Monika.

The flames from the KIB office rose higher towards the night sky.

"Double the guards, make sure she doesn't escape."

"No need," said a voice behind her.

Monika and her guards turned around and saw Georgy.

"Now is not the time comrade," she said.

"I believe it is, Erika has already escaped."

Monika angrily ordered her guards to leave the two to watch the fire.

"You let them go didn't you?" she asked.

"Aleksandr is getting closer to achieving his goal, and when he achieves his goal Konstantin will achieve his goal."

"I don't give a fuck about Konstantin, all I care about it is my school and you just released the person that could destroy it!"

"This is bigger than that! We both agree that the shit they say about Aleksandr is propaganda but it was not they who portrayed him that way."

"You're a fucking traitor Georgy, I'll make sure Aleksandr knows about this!"

Georgy spat on the ground in disgust.

"Very well, next time we meet we will meet as enemies."


"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't beat you to death?" asked Anchovy.

"Anchovy please," said Darjeeling in an attempt to calm her down.

Georgy had his enemies tied to chairs and now it was his turn. The commanders formed a semi-circle around the sweating Georgy.

"What do you want Georgy?" asked Kay.

Georgy couldn't help but laugh. 

"Is that really your interrogation technique?"

 Kay smiled "Not really. Nonna!" she called.

The doors behind Georgy flung open and out stormed the hulking figure of Nonna. Georgy's smile faded away as she towered over him. Sweat poured down his face. With one swing Nonna made Geogy's nose bleed. 

"Ugh! You animal I came here under a white flag!" he cursed.

"I don't know? You don't look very French to me," joked Anchovy before being elbowed in the arm by Éclair.

"We have Aleksandr's pages, why do we need you?" asked Kay.

"Because I know something he doesn't, something useful I swear" wept Georgy who was more focused on Nonna's fists.

"Out with it," said Nonna.

"The letters from Klara were fake," he said.

"That's not news to us," said Nonna as she raised her fist.

"No, wait! I know who wrote them!" he cried.

"Who?" she asked.

"Konstantin, he was behind everything. I was forced to keep it a secret so he wouldn't remove me, you must understand!" Georgy pleaded.

"So why come to us now?" asked Maho.

"I helped Erika escape, I set fire to my own office in Bellwall because I realized that if Aleksandr wins, Konstantin wins and he has plans for me, Aleksandr and everyone in this room. I was so blinded by my duty I forgot what power Konstantin really has."

"You work for us?" asked Darjeeling.

"How? All of Konev will be after me," he said.

"I know how, but in the meantime, I think you have visitors."

The doors opened again and four men of the Anzio Family stood before a shaking Georgy.

"Nice to meet you again Georgy boy," beamed Margherita. 

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