chapter two

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To put it simply, Aelia felt like a princess. 

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, curtseying to herself as she ran a hand over the soft material of her skirts. The dress itself was stunning; made of silk that flowed over her upper body before flaring outwards to lay lightly around her feet. Intricate gold detailing travelled from the hem of the skirt to the neckline, which dipped low to expose her collarbone.

A soft knocking at the door snapped Aelia out of her trance and she turned her head to glance at the door as it opened.

"Aelia, dear, you look lovely." 

Aelia relaxed slightly, her shoulders dropping as she saw that it was her mother. Reina Astor was an unassuming woman, her beauty lost to the inevitable decay of age and her resolve hardened by years of participation in politics, a delicate but harsh game of words and intellect. The one thing it had not taken was the kindness that she possessed; the corners of her eyes crinkling as she gazed upon her daughter, pride blazing in her eyes.

"Thank you." Aelia murmured in return, gliding over the floor to meet the older woman in an embrace. As they broke apart, Reina took her daughter's hands, searching Aelia's gaze.

"This night is for you, my dear. You and Elior." Reina said softly, her lips cracking in a small smile. Although this was a happy occasion, Aelia's marriage would signal a loss for the Astor family. 

Aelia nodded, her lips parting in a matching smile as she automatically slipped into the mask that she would have to put on for the rest of her life; a character she would have to play with Elior at her side.

"It is an honour," she responded, the words coming to her immediately.

Reina slowly reached up to her neck, unclasping the necklace that laid on her collarbone. True to their status as Sunkeepers, the pendant was a small gold sun, the spikes of the rays arranged in a circle. Aelia's mouth opened to say something but she shut it again as her mother subtly shook her head. Her eyes followed the gleaming pendant as Reina reached up and clasped it around Aelia's neck.

"My gift to you." Reina murmured, raising her gaze to search Aelia's face, trying to soak as much of it in as she could before marriage claimed her. Seemingly satisfied, Reina stood up and leaned forward, gently pressing her lips against her daughter's cheek before drawing back and walking towards the door. She glanced over her shoulder, shooting Aelia another smile before slipping out of the room, her heels clicking on the wooden floors as she walked away. 

It seemed too much like a farewell.


"All rise for Verner and Reina Astor of the esteemed High Council. We warmly welcome Aelia, their daughter, for we are here to celebrate her engagement with Elior Carmon."

Aelia took a deep breath, her chin lifting as the double doors opened, revealing a large ballroom that was already full of Sunkeeper families. She inwardly grimaced at the reminder of her future marriage, but any signs of reluctance would be questioned so she kept a pleasant smile plastered on her face.

Lighthunters were posted along the walls; enough to make the higher ranks feel safe but not enough to break the easy atmosphere of the dance. Those who were sat down at the tables dotted around the outskirts of the room stood, joining the dancers in bowing or curtseying in the direction of the Astor family.

"You may go and enjoy the celebrations as you like, but dinner will be served in half an hour." Verner, Aelia's father, murmured to her, subtly motioning to one of the tables directly in front of them, raised up on a stage reserved for High Council members.

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