chapter thirteen

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Aelia's shoulders slumped as she closed the front door behind her. She dropped her bag at the bottom of the stairs, glancing down the corridor as her eyes adjusted to the light. The house was always well lit. Just in case.

"How was training, dear?" Verner appeared at the end of the corridor in the entrance to the kitchen. He leaned against the wood, a mixing bowl resting under one arm as he smiled at his daughter.

"Not bad, thanks," Aelia pushed her weariness away, shrugging her jacket off her shoulders and tossing it onto the carpeted stairs, intending to take it upstairs later. She headed over to her father and inhaled deeply as the sweet smell of vanilla floated towards her. "What are you making?" 

"Chocolate chip cookies. Remember when we used to make them together when you were a little girl?" Verner's voice softened and he reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Aelia's ear. His hand lingered by her face, his dark skin wrinkled with age. "It's the same recipe. I thought I'd make some for you, and I got a bit carried away."

Aelia couldn't help but smile at her father's sheepish grin as he jerked a thumb into the kitchen. She stepped past him, the smell of vanilla and chocolate blending together as a wave of heat washed over her. A container was sat on the wooden counter, filled nearly to the top with cookies of varying sizes.

"Here. Let me stir for a bit," Aelia took the mixing bowl from her father, fetching a wooden spoon from the side. 

Verner moved past her, starting to clear some of the ingredients and utensils to tidy the kitchen up. This was their old routine, Aelia realised with a hint of sadness, from when they used to bake all the time. She got quite good at baking until she grew up and spent less time with her father. Now, with their busy and often conflicting schedules, they rarely had time to spend together.

"I can't believe that you're going to be married in a few weeks," Verner mentioned, staring out of the window as he filled the sink with water. A distant look passed through his gaze. "Imagine that, eh? My little girl, all grown up."

Aelia remained silent, staring resolutely at the cookie dough that she was mixing in the bowl with an increasing amount of force. She longed to sit down with her father and tell him the truth, about Elior and Velius and about the Shadowseekers, but it just wasn't possible. It meant that her friends would be safe from punishment, but it also meant that her father wouldn't be aware of the danger he was in.

"Yep. Discovering my power doesn't feel that long ago," Aelia murmured faintly, raising her eyebrows slightly at the irony of her statement.

"Are you excited for the wedding? It's going to be the biggest event of the year. Everyone will see my daughter, one of the most beautiful girls in the city," Verner swiped away a tear that had rolled down his cheek, trying to be more upbeat as he plunged his hands into the soapy water, idly scrubbing a plate. "Not to mention that it'll be the union of two of the most important families in Kellinor."

"Elior is nice," Aelia conceded quietly, starting to arrange the cookie dough into smaller bits on a baking tray. She decided that she wouldn't directly lie, but would avoid the question as much as possible. "I would like to spend the rest of my life with him. He's a good companion."

"Yes. Very respectful too. I know he'll take good care of you, dear." Verner glanced over at Aelia, frowning slightly as he noticed that she was swaying slightly on her feet, her movements growing more and more sluggish. "You look exhausted, Aelia. You should go rest up before this evening's events. I'll take care of the baking."

"Alright, Father." Aelia stifled a yawn, nodding slightly as she stepped away from the counter. "What's it for again?"

"To announce the new law. Something about finance. Not my area, really, so I don't know the specific details," Verner explained, wiping his hands with a towel. He picked up a couple of the cookies that were already sat in the container, offering it to Aelia. When she took it, he ruffled her hair and smiled warmly at her. "You don't have to worry too much about it. Just enjoy yourself."

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