chapter three

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"Aelia? Aelia!" 

Aelia groaned, the world coming into sharp focus as she opened her eyes, blinking slowly as light filtered in from above her. What happened to her?

"Are you okay? It took us ages to find you." Elior's face loomed into view above her, concern radiating from him as he gently touched her cheek with a finger.

"Yeah, I will be." 

Aelia squinted past Eli and to the group of Lighthunters huddled behind him. The sun blazed behind her, casting long shadows on the floor. She inhaled sharply, her head clearing immediately as she shot up, stumbling backwards as she recalled the events of the previous night. She must've been unconscious all night; leaving her vulnerable to the attackers who she had been chasing.

Elior tipped his head to one side, a question lingering on his lips as he searched Aelia's gaze. She subtly shook her head. They would discuss it without the company of soldiers. He turned, bowing slightly to the Lighthunters.

"You're dismissed," he said curtly. They saluted, quickly dispersing and leaving the pair alone. 

Aelia relaxed slightly, her head spinning with the implications of what she had discovered last night. She wondered if it had even happened, or if her eyes had deceived her.

Shadowseekers were feared throughout the city. It was impossible to tell who was a Shadowseeker since the ability was an anomaly; a rare occurrence with both the peasantry and the nobility, whereas Sunkeepers were strictly kept to the nobility, the power of light running in many generations of noble blood.

Someone with the ability to manipulate both light and dark was unheard of. Or so she had assumed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Elior repeated, taking her hand and smoothly lifting her to her feet.

"I let the Seeker escape," Aelia growled, anger flaring up within her as she remembered the tiny girl with pale skin and delicate features who had escaped because of Aelia's weakness. "She managed to infiltrate the celebrations and escape without being caught."

"You can't blame yourself for that." Elior frowned, presumably remembering the same Seeker. "Seeker scum will do anything to undermine the stability and balance in the city."

Aelia found herself nodding despite her potential association to the Shadowseekers.

"We better head back. My parents will be wondering where I've been." Aelia sighed, reaching up to her neck and picking up the sun pendant that was lying against her skin. It glinted in the sun, panic creeping into her actions as she thought of her parents, who would be worried sick.

"I ran into my parents. They wanted me to return home, to safety, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you." Elior admitted with a crooked smile. The Carmon family were on the same standing as the Astor family. Aelia's father and Elior's mother were both on the High Council, meaning that they would be a priority when it came to ensuring their safety.

Aelia smiled, grateful for his help. She would be a valuable hostage to any peasant group looking for a bit of extra money.

"Thanks. I owe you one." Aelia slid an arm around his waist, a platonic gesture that could be interpreted as a romantic one by anyone walking past.

They walked together out of the alleyway, drawing the attention of the few people who dwelled in the slums, who nudged each other and pointed in their direction. Aelia fought the burning desire to scowl at them, schooling her features into a bright smile as she glanced around.

Instead of leaving her at the gate as he had done the night before, Elior nodded to the Lighthunters on duty as they stepped aside and escorted Aelia to her home, supporting her slightly with an arm around her waist. She was still exhausted from passing out and felt more drained than she had ever felt before.

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