chapter nineteen

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The next few days were uneventful as Aelia took a few days off to recover from the attack. She was relieved that she didn't have to face Eli, especially considering she wouldn't know what to say.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Aelia, honey, you should go to training today," Verner mentioned casually over breakfast, peering at her over his glasses as he read the newspaper. "You need to keep going, and you'll need to defend yourself if something like that happens again."

Aelia's heart sank as she stared gloomily at her breakfast. She didn't want to go, but the statement was phrased more like a command than a suggestion.

"Alright, Father," Aelia nodded slowly, her fork clattering on the table as she dropped it next to her plate. "Will - Will Eli be there?"

"I believe so," Verner confirmed. "I haven't heard anything from him or his family, but I know that none of them were injured."

"That's good," Aelia said quietly. 

"If you're going, you should probably go now. You've got just over half an hour," Reina added with a quick glance at the grandfather clock that was next to the doorway. "It normally starts at eleven, doesn't it?"

"I'll be fine, Mother," Aelia smiled at her Reina, standing up and carrying her plate over to the sink. "It's not that far to go."

"Usual rules," Verner called to her as she left the kitchen and headed down the hallway. "Be back before dusk."

"You don't need to remind me," Aelia responded dismissively, rolling her eyes. As soon as she was out of view of her parents, her shoulders slumped, and she sighed. 

Back to the routine again. As if nothing had ever happened.


"Try it again."

Khalida's sharp voice cut through the air towards Aelia as she opened the door to the gymnasium. She lingered in the doorway, hesitant to go in straight away as she saw Eli throwing punches at a training dummy. Drops of sweat gleamed on his forehead, running down his face as he concentrated on his movements. His hands were curled into fists by his face as if he was defending himself.

Aelia watched as Eli rushed forward, the muscles in his arms standing out as he tensed. His hands glowed as he made contact with the dummy, causing a ripple of light to travel through the room. She instinctively squinted, throwing an arm up to shield her eyes from the bright light.

"Morning," Aelia called, slipping into the room and dropping her bag on the bench. 

"Good. You're back," Khalida said curtly without turning around. "You've had long enough to relax. Get in there."

"May I use one of the targets for practice?" Aelia asked, lifting her arms to scrape strands of curly hair out of her face, quickly tying it up into a bun.

"Yes," Khalida replied irritably, pointing to where a couple had been stacked in the corner. "But hurry up. I haven't got all day."

Aelia forced herself to keep her focus on the targets as she walked towards them. She refused to look at Eli, partly out of fear and partly because she didn't trust herself to not get angry at him again.

The target was heavier than she had anticipated, and Aelia stumbled slightly as she picked it up. She cursed under her breath as she regained her balance, refusing to acknowledge Eli as he stopped and glanced in her direction.

Aelia hauled it over to the arena, beads of sweat breaking out on her brow as she dropped it as at the opposite end to Eli.

"No," Khalida barked, making Aelia pause. "Next to Elior. That way, you can learn from him even if he's not your opponent."

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