chapter twenty-two

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Aelia's eyelids fluttered open as she was hauled to her feet, blinking slowly as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. Her vision was blurry, and it took a few moments to realise where she was.

The Lighthunters had taken her to Kellinor's prison, which was an isolated fortress on the outskirts of the city. Four watchtowers had been built at each corner of the square stronghold, their spires rising high into the air and providing the ideal place to observe any prisoners. 

Behind her, a chain-link fence ran along the perimeter outside the main building, topped with barbed wire to deter anyone from escaping. A soft hum was the only sound that filled the air, signalling the electric current that ran through the fence. It acted as an added warning to the few who were even able to get past security, and the prison itself. Aelia couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as the atmosphere of the stronghold drained her of any trace of hope that she might've had.

"Let me go," Aelia murmured urgently, though her voice sounded weak, even to her. 

None of the Lighthunters around her responded, though a few eyed her suspiciously and straightened up slightly in an attempt to seem more imposing. 

"I'll take her from here," Khalida's voice cut across the silence, and she came into view as the tight circle of Hunters parted to let her through. She stood over Aelia, her eyes reflecting her hatred as she stared down at the disgraced Sunkeeper. "Take the other one to an empty cell."

"The other one has a name," Aelia muttered, craning her neck to see if she could see Kit. She managed to get a few brief glimpses as they were dragged past the iron gate entrance and into the building. She stared at the cold concrete, guilt gnawing at her as her friend was taken away. The walls of the fortress offered no reassurance; no solution to her problems, nor any answers to the situation that Aelia found herself in.

"It's a shame that nobody is around to hear it," Khalida responded, her thin lips curving in a sly smile as she followed Aelia's gaze.

"What are you going to do?" Aelia spat, mustering enough energy to raise her voice as she stared at Khalida. "Kill me?"

"The rest of you are dismissed," Khalida raised her voice above Aelia's, addressing the Lighthunters. She stepped towards Aelia and wrapped her pale fingers around her arm. Her nails dug into Aelia's bare skin, and she had to bit her tongue to stop herself from wincing.

It seemed that Aelia would receive no sympathy for the trained soldiers. They saluted Khalida, their arms simultaneously snapping up and down as the group fell back into another formation, their movements effortless from years of rigorous training. The steady sound of their boots on the stone echoed around the area, providing a rhythmic beat that was almost enough to lull Aelia to sleep. 

She was soon snapped out of her daze as Khalida wrenched her arm forward, dragging Aelia towards the main building of the fortress, where Kit had just disappeared. Behind her, a distinct clang indicated that the iron gates had been closed and that Aelia's only way of escaping had been blocked off. Her heart sunk, but she didn't have time to dwell on it as she was tugged forwards, her feet instinctively moving to stop her from falling over.

Aelia bit her tongue, staying silent as they emerged into an entrance hall, where a Sunkeeper was sat behind a stone wall, separated by a thick pane of glass. She squinted at the Sunkeeper, vaguely recognising them from somewhere, but she didn't have any chance of putting a name to the face as Khalida immediately headed to one of the doors that led off from the hall.

"Where are we going?" Aelia finally asked quietly, her fear of Khalida overcoming her need to escape. In the sinister emptiness of the corridors, Khalida could do anything to her, and nobody would be around to even witness it, let alone help her.

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