chapter twenty-one

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Aelia landed hard on the rooftop, biting her tongue to stifle a yelp as her shoulder hit the tiling. She threw her arms out, her muscles screaming in protest as she grabbed the top of the roof and pulled herself up, her nails scraping across the tiles.

Scrambling to her feet, Aelia frantically glanced around and tried to decide which way would be safest. On both sides, Lighthunters were running around and yelling to each other. In her panic, she couldn't make out what any of them were saying. She edged along the top of the roof, wincing as she stepped on rocks and stones that cut into her bare feet.

Although she didn't know where she was supposed to go, Aelia started to head towards the next house along. She glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening in horror as she saw that her room had been engulfed in thick smoke. A wall of fire lurked just behind it, steadily advancing in her direction. A fresh wave of heat rolled over her, and a sweat broke out on her brow as panic started to set in. She had to get away as soon as she could.

Despite the grit that was digging into the soles of her feet, Aelia started to run. She kept her gaze fixed on the next rooftop along, focusing solely on the task ahead of her. She ignored the pulses of fear that threatened to overcome her and jumped, her feet leaving the safety of the tiles.

Aelia seemed to be suspended in the air for a brief moment, the world slowing down around her as she hung above the abyss between the two houses. It seemed like an age, yet was over all too quickly as she landed lightly on the next roof, her training kicking in as she continued her quick pace.

A sudden idea sprung to mind, and a sense of purpose overcame her as she planned a route to a place that could offer her safety.

As Aelia ran, the sound of shouting became fainter as she got further away from her home. Eventually, the only noise she could hear was the sound of her breathing, coming out in rapid, shallow pants. The quietness was welcome, and she could almost forget about her situation as she fell into the rhythm of her run.

Reality came crashing down all too quickly as a Lighthunter stepped out in front of her. They seemed to be out on a normal patrol. The Hunter's face lit up in recognition as they made eye contact with Aelia, and their hand flew to the sword that was strapped to their belt.

Aelia called to the first power that would come to her, lifting her hands defensively as she skidded to a halt.

"Aelia Astor, you are under arrest for-"

A loud crack split the air as a burst of dark energy flew towards the Hunter, cutting them off. Aelia dropped her arms as the Hunter flew through the air, their back slamming against the wooden panels of a building.

"I'm sorry," Aelia murmured, watching as the Hunter fell to the floor and remained motionless. She glanced around, hoping that nobody had heard the exchange, but nobody ran out to apprehend her. With a sigh of relief, Aelia set off again. She wasn't far from her destination.

The streets in this part of the city were still unfamiliar to Aelia. The row of buildings loomed over her ominously, surrounding her as she slowed to a walk. Luckily, she managed to recognise the row of coloured front doors, and she searched for the house she was looking for.

Aelia's gaze fell on one of the houses, and she quickly crossed the street, hurrying over to the door. She hammered on the door, shifting her weight between her feet as she waited. She kept shooting glances down the street, fearing that someone would come and find her.

"I've already paid my taxes." The door opened to reveal the curvy figure of Kit, who was staring out with a disgruntled expression. As they recognised Aelia, their mouth fell open. "Oh! Zilla! What are you doing here?"

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