chapter twenty-five

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As soon as the Shadowseekers left the confines of the fortress, the journey became much quieter. Selene and Draven were incredibly skilled in stealth, and they didn't draw the attention of the citizens who were wandering around the city this late at night.

"How are you doing?" 

Aelia glanced over at Amaris, who had sidled over to her. Her face was creased in concentration, but she was still able to spare a thought for Aelia.

"Tired," Aelia admitted quietly. She was still drawing power from the shadows around her, but she knew that it would only delay the inevitable. "I can't wait to get back."

"You and me both, pal," Thorne piped up, falling back to walk next to her and Amaris. Aelia shot a smile at him, cheered by his infectious energy. 

"You'll be staying with us from now on," Amaris explained. "It'll be too dangerous for you to wander the streets."

Aelia nodded, letting Amaris's words sink in. Her situation suddenly pressed down on her, and she let out a shaky breath as she remembered what had happened.

"T-They think I'm dead," Aelia murmured, wringing her hands together as she stared at the ground. "That's what Khalida said, anyway. As far as most people know, I died in a tragic accident."

The smile was wiped from Thorne's face, replaced by an expression of concern. He gestured to Amaris to cover for him. She nodded, doubling her efforts to maintain the group's defences despite the strain it put on her.

Thorne dropped back, motioning for Aelia to join him as he moved away from the rest of the group.

"Listen, Aelia," he said quietly, frowning as he considered his words. "I don't think I'm ever going to understand what you've gone through. I know that it's difficult, and we're all here to support you through it."

"That's the issue though, Thorne," Aelia shook her head, looking over at him. "The past few days have certainly been different. They've been the worse few days of my life, in fact."

"I can't imagine-"

"No," Aelia interrupted, determined to continue. "My experience has been a few weeks. Yours has been a whole lifetime."

"What do you mean?" Thorne asked, his frown deepening as he struggled to understand her.

"What I'm saying is," Aelia answered, "I've only had a taste of what it's like to be part of a group that is hated, and even feared, by everyone. I only discovered my power a few weeks ago. You've had to deal with that for a lifetime."

Thorne stayed silent, though he seemed troubled by what Aelia was saying. She took a sharp intake of breath, wondering if she had said something to offend him.

"Oh, Aelia," Thorne sighed. "That doesn't make your situation any less important. Your whole world has changed, and it's because of something you can't even control."

"I just feel so alone," Aelia admitted, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"No, Aelia, listen to me," Thorne said fiercely. His sharp tone came as a shock to Aelia, especially considering how different it was to his usual carefree self. "You're not alone. You have us."

"I just feel bad. I-I feel like I'm intruding-"

"Don't think like that," Thorne shook his head. "Do you think we would have risked our lives back there if we didn't see you as a friend? We never leave anyone behind. Us Seekers have got to stick together, no matter what it takes."

Aelia's breath caught in her throat as he spoke, realising that he was right. She hesitated, opening her mouth to respond, but was interrupted as Raz hushed the group from the front of the formation.

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