chapter eighteen

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Aelia quickly found her way to a familiar part of the city. She was careful to avoid the well-lit areas to prevent herself from being spotted by someone who would recognise her. From there, it was easy to locate the tavern that the Shadowseekers called home.

She stood outside, looking up at the building that loomed somewhat ominously over her. The faint smell of rotting wood hung in the air, causing Aelia to wrinkle her nose. Her heart pounded in her chest as she debated whether or not to go in and face them, especially after what had just happened.

"It won't be that bad," Aelia murmured to herself, tugging anxiously at a strand of hair. "Besides, it's not as if I can go back and face Eli anytime soon."

Aelia took a deep breath before moving forward, pushing against the door. It creaked under her touch, and she had to press both hands against the wood to get it to budge.

As soon as she entered, the cheerful sound of conversation drifted over to her, punctuated by frequent peals of laughter. She noticed Amaris and Thorne talking animatedly, wide grins on their faces as they exchanged words with each other. Amaris made a gesture, and Thorne threw his head back, clutching his chest as he laughed. Aelia's heart lurched, and she felt a deep sense of sadness and longing.

Selene was sat on their table with a small smile on her face, nodding along to what they were saying as she took occasional sips from her drink. As Aelia walked in, Selene immediately tensed and her sharp gaze flicked over in her direction. She relaxed as she saw who it was. Selene's lips quirked upwards in a slight smirk as Aelia automatically moved over to join them, dropping into the last seat at the table.

"Oh, hey, Aelia!" Thorne wiped a tear of laughter out of his eyes, lifting up his glass in her direction. "Didn't see you there, pal."

"Did you come here straight away?" Amaris asked distractedly, idly running a finger down the side of her glass. Aelia fought the urge to shrink back as Amaris eyed her dress, which had been torn and stained in various places. "Your dress is pretty, though."

"I apologise on their behalf, Aelia. They're celebrating our success," Selene explained, rolling her eyes as she interrupted Aelia. She set her cup down, sliding it towards Thorne. "Evidently, my esteemed colleagues here are having too much fun."

"Amaris, let's go get another round of drinks," Thorne took Selene's cup and stood up. He pushed away from the table, making it slide slightly across the floor. "Aelia, you want anything?"

"I'm alright, thanks," Aelia said politely, shaking her head. She watched them leave before turning back to Selene, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sure you have quite a few questions," Selene started, folding her arms as she stared meaningfully at Aelia. "It is not my place to answer them."

"You hid from me," Aelia accused, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table. "Do you not trust me enough?"

"I can't take any chances," Selene shrugged, dismissing Aelia's concerns. "Besides, it puts me off if I know that someone is focusing on me."

"Oh. I see," Aelia said shortly, her eyes narrowing as she wondered if Selene was lying. Not that she'd be able to tell; the mask that Selene could put on at will was able to completely obscure the truth. "Why didn't you warn me? I could've been killed by that damn chandelier."

"Keeps you on your toes," Selene smirked. She finally looked away from Aelia, pulling her worn leather gloves from her pocket and tugging them over her thin hands. Her pale fingers twitched as she held her hands out. "You'd have to ask Raz about that. Not my place to say."

"Where are Raz and - and Draven?" Aelia asked. She had to force herself to say Draven's name, wincing as she remembered what had happened in the hall that night. "Wouldn't they be celebrating with you?"

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