chapter six

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The next few weeks flew by.

Aelia spent her days strengthening her Sunkeeper powers, whilst she spent her nights in the depths of the city, learning how to use her powers as a Shadowseeker. She found it difficult to come to terms with, especially after everything the Sunkeepers had taught her in the past, but she had grown to like the group of Seekers. They paid no attention to her status, and it was a relief to not have to worry about having an acceptable appearance, or fretting over every word she said. It was an escape, and she even came to like her nighttime training sessions.

The training sessions that she had most frequently were with Amaris and Thorne, who showed her how to use her powers with some success. At first, Aelia had struggled to even summon a single shadow but, with a lot of concentration, she had slowly developed the ability until she could use it sparingly.

"I can't see how this is useful."

Aelia sighed, dropping her hands as the ball of energy that was floating in the air in front of her wavered before fizzing out to nothing. 

"It is useful," Amaris responded pleasantly, waving her fingers and sending a ripple of shadows towards Aelia that dispersed as soon as they came into contact with her skin. "Learn how to maintain your ability to use it for longer, and it will help you in the long run."

"Besides, you're gettin' good, chum," Thorne added with a smirk, his arms folded over his chest, his broad shoulders resting against the wall behind him. "Not at my level yet, but still good for a beginner."

"Thank you for your valuable contribution. So modest," Amaris rolled her eyes, elbowing him in the side. "But, yes, he is right. You're doing well, but I assume it's because it's like your training with the Keepers."

Aelia's cheeks flushed red slightly at the compliments. She didn't receive them often, especially from Khalida, and it warmed her heart to hear them. She knew she could do much better if she wasn't so exhausted, but training with both groups of people were taking it out of her. It meant that she felt constantly drained, but her stubborn nature prevented her from saying it out loud.

"Again," Amaris repeated, causing Aelia to curse under her breath.  

Aelia's brow furrowed as she stared at the air in front of her, lifting her hands and pushing her energy into her palms and outwards as she has been doing before. Shadows jumped to her call, swirling under her skin and flowing into the air, forming a ball that crackled and fizzed with energy.

"Nice one, buddy!" Thorne cheered from the side, clapping a few times.

Aelia smiled slightly, unable to help herself as satisfaction washed over her. Still concentrating, she dropped her hands whilst still maintaining the energy in the air. It wavered slightly but continued to bob gently up and down as if it was floating on waves at sea.

"Well done, Aelia," Amaris beamed at her. "Now try to shape it into something you can use. Like this."

Aelia glanced over at Amaris, who had produced a significantly larger ball that had a much stronger power radiating from it. Amaris raised two fingers and spun the ball in midair, where it thinned out and became longer. 

"A sword?" Aelia's eyebrows shot up as soon as she recognised what Amaris was creating. "They're outdated. I haven't used one in ages."

"Exactly. Nobody will be expectin' to find an opponent skilled in swordplay. Surprise is our greatest asset," Thorne pointed out, leaning forwards and plucking the black sword out of the air. He waved it experimentally, and it responded perfectly to his touch. It looked like electricity with how tiny sparks of energy jumped and flickered on its surface. 

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