wolfstar: in the library

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enjoy this wolfstar! <3


"James!" The sleeping boy didn't stir.

"James! Wake up." The boy continued to snore.

"Prongs for god's sake I will not hesitate to hex your broom for tomorrow's practice if you don't wake up right now!" After this, and being shaken profusely, James finally opened his eyes the smallest amount possible and groaned.
"Aghh...What's the time?" He asked groggily, waving his hands about in the air to try and stop the beam of light shining in his eyes.

"It's twelve-thirty. Now where is your invisiblity cloak? I need it for something." Remus asked, looking around the room, for almost no reason because the entire room was shaded in pitch black; the only light coming through from a small crack in the door.
"I think Sirius used it to run away from Filch's cat? It might be on his... Uhh.." James' eyes slowly began to close, the boy was evidently going back to sleep.
They flew open again when Remus slapped him round the face.
"Do not go to sleep again! I really need your cloak, Prongs." He hissed quietly.
"Oww.. There was no need for that." He whispered, gently rubbing his cheek where the most pressure had been applied. "I think it's on the bottom of his bed."
"Okay, thanks mate." James was already asleep.
Remus couldn't hear any noise coming from Sirius' bed as he took the cloak from the top of the duvet, which he considered unusual because Sirius always slept with a little whistle coming from his nose as he breathed. It was very annoying to try and get to sleep with that noise every two seconds.
He scurried along the hallways under the warm cloak, wanting to slap himself in the face for forgetting the map, an essential item when performing things at night which are against the rules. He navigated his ways through Hogwarts fairy well by himself, though, seeing as he used the pictures and paintings on the walls to indicate which floor he was on and where about a he was. After four years of living at Hogwarts you kind of get used to it anyway.
There had been many times in the past where Remus had had to use this cloak alone, walking along the hallways of Hogwarts with no-one beside him. It still felt unusual, though, to find a marauder by himself was rare and didn't happen often.

Finally, he found the entrance to the library. The only thing he actually needed the cloak for was a book that he had forgotten to take out earlier, his Hogsmeade visit had gotten in the way and left him no time in the day to take out his book needed for his homework. He realised this only after staying up late, trying to complete the gradually rising pile of papers on the floor next to his bed, and realising that he didn't even have the materials needed.
What. An. Idiot.
The door creaked as Remus carefully opened it, and he flinched as his slippers made noises on the floorboards during his scuttle through the library.
"H....I....J...." He whispered as he picked his way through the sections, a finger placed unintentionally on his chin like he was deep in thought.
"Yes! T! Now where is the book on trolls I wonder?" The lantern made swishing noises as it flew through the air, creating shadows as it went.
Intent on finding his book, Remus didn't notice the other person creeping up behind him as he leaned in to get a better look at the titles.


"AGHH!" Remus cried, throwing the lantern on the floor and tripping over his own feet in surprise, landing face-first on the cold floor. He squinted as he turned around to face the intruder, trying to figure out the facial features. He knew exactly who it was as soon as they laughed.
"Hahahaa! I got you!" Sirius chuckled and held his hand out for Remus to take as he got up.
"Sirius! Don't do that again, my heart is racing!" He grumbled, and straightened out his clothes. "Why are you here? I thought you were asleep."
"Well I was, but I woke up when I felt you take the cloak off my legs and my feet got cold. So I decided to follow you and see where you were going." He shrugged, still grinning.
"Oh... Well, I guess we can go back now." Remus smiled, and showed his book to the boy in front of him.
"Are you sure? We can always... Stay." Sirius flashed his teeth and moved a step closer to Remus, whose heart started beating like a drum.
"Meow." The noise of a cat cage from behind them, making them both jump.
"Shit..." Sirius said.
"It's Mrs. Norris! QUICK, RUN!" Remus yelled, grabbing the cloak and Sirius' hand, dragging him back through the library and out into the cold corridor.
They didn't pass anyone as they ran back to their common room, and Remus let go of Sirius' hand as they stumbled into the warm, fiery room. Panting, he held his knees and bent down a little.
Sirius grinned again and took his other hand from behind his back.
"Did you forget something?" He asked, with Remus' book in one hand and a smug expression on his face.
Remus' eyes lit up as he looked in his own hands, finding them empty other than the cloak.
"Thanks, you idiot."

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