t w e n t y - e i g h t h : f a t e

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Elijah felt like a criminal.

He half glanced at Castalia, his heart fluttering and wrenching in pain immediately.

"I think I might have the coronation soon," Elijah said softly, turning to face her as she glanced at him. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her eyes which looked like beautiful crystals that seemed to shimmer in a clear lake.

She smiled softly, her eyes twinkling. "Will I have to start calling you as your majesty or your highness or something?"

Elijah gave a forced chuckle, his heart breaking. He had told himself not to get too attached. Had told himself that he was going to break up with her as soon as he got a chance. But every time that he was with her, he felt weakened. "If you want."

She sat up straight. Elijah gazed at her, his heart yearning. Her light hair flying around her face, little specks of sunlight visible between strands like shimmering diamonds. Her pale eyes gazing into his. "I think you'll make a great leader."

Elijah tried hard not to register shock. It was rare that he ever received a compliment from someone who was not blood-related to him. It didn't matter if he was actually good either, the fact that he was born into privilege always outweighed his achievements.

Poor little rich boy.

That is what he had always remained.

"What makes you think that?" he asked, wondering if he was indeed desperate for validation.

She shrugged. "I just know."

She leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose, resting head on his chest as he took in a deep breath, breathing in her scent desperately. She sighed softly as she spoke, "Have you been to the sentinel Sognare?"


"I always wonder what it's like there." Castalia sighed, tracing loops with her index finger tip on his chest "We have heard all these legends..."

"Would you like to go see?" Elijah asked.

Castalia stiffened for a moment before she lifted her face towards him, beaming. "You could take me?"

Elijah nodded, his heart hammering. He couldn't understand the effect she seemed to have on him. Her every little action. Every little quirk. "Sure."

"Can we go...now?"

Elijah gazed at her, a soft smile playing at his lips. "Sure."

She smiled brightly and rose to his feet, pulling him up by his hand. "Okay! How do we go?"

Elijah smirked, "Time to show you something." He moved closer to her and kissed her forehead softly. "Are you okay with heights?"

Her eyes widened, her cheeks slightly flushed as she nodded. He wrapped his arms securely around her, holding her close as his heart gave another painful lurch. It felt perfect. To have her warm body close to his. He had the sudden urge to kiss her, his brain filling with uncivilized thoughts as he forcibly pushed them away. He took a deep breath, calling the air to his aid as their intertwined bodies slowly rose into the air.

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