The Long Story - Narry VS return to work

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"Why do you look so rough?" asked Liam, watching the curly haired doctor entering the office. 

Harry sighed and placed his bag gently on his desk. An exhausted expression etched on his face. 

"First day of preschool and dog training school?" 

Harry released a muffled sound and rested his head on his desk.  

Liam laughed and gave the lad a comforting pat on Harry's shoulder. 

"There. There. It'll get better."


Niall checked his phone again. Today will be a long day of tireless non-stop worrying. Time moves too slow for him and Niall could feel himself turn into a bigger bundle of nerves every second. He got plenty of advice from their friends about parents with kids going to pre-school for the first time. Niall had to repeat this mantra many times in his head. No news means good news. He tried to shake off the feeling of uneasiness in his gut. 

Every few minutes he will catch himself starring at the clock in the recording room, sometimes checking his phone to make sure he did not miss any notification from the school or from the dog training school. Niall was already missing the kids and the dog. Three whole months of quarantine and spending time with the twins and the dog every single day. And now that slice of heaven has stopped.  

During their time together, Niall had learned so much about his kids and the dog. He realized that the twins weirdly consider Lucas the third sibling or twin. Everywhere they, the dog will follow. Whatever they did, the trio would do it together. 

He remembered one morning when the house was weirdly quiet. No crying babies. No dog jumping on the bed. Too eerily quiet. 

Niall walked around the house and could not find the kids, nor Lucas. To his horror, he found the doors to the backyard was open. Millions of thoughts ran through his head in a split moment. Only when he heard the kids loud giggling and the dog's soft barking that Niall calmed himself. 


Niall's heart grew big as he witnessed the scene in front of him. Jack, Finn and Lucas were playing in mud. All three babies covered in the dirt. At first, Niall wanted to scold the three babies, but hearing their happy giggles and the wide smiles. It made his heart melt. 

Niall takes out his phone and snaps a lot of pictures and videos. 

Since the beginning of the quarantine, Niall has exhausted his phone memory with all the cute troubles they get into together. 

Alas, they have to start work someday. 

It was a horrid morning. Jack and Finn were running around the house naked, not wanting to shower nor put their clothes on. Niall and Harry have a good twenty minutes chasing the twins around the house, then the challenging task of calming the twins down and coaxing them the fun they will have in preschool. Once Niall and Harry managed to put them in their school uniform, they have the tough task of putting the kids and the dog in the car. It was then that they realized that Harry had a flat time from the night before and they take Niall's fabulous sports car. 

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