The Long Story - Narry VS Sexy Teacher Harry, Student Niall

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Niall never thought in a million years he would be those people. People who married teachers. Shudders. He can't stand teachers. They were always so righteous and strict and always have this weird and draconian way of following rules. That was all until he met Harry. 

Harry Styles. The smart curly haired man that women and men lusted over. He never could get over what was so special about the school's golden boy. He was average at best. And Niall will never picked him for the school's football team, that's for sure. Niall had literally seen people fought over him. 

It was back in secondary school and Harry was already in his senior year. That year, the school had a mentor ship program for awkward thirteen year olds.  And since Harry jumped a few years, he was a thirteen year old senior mentoring other thirteen year old boy about school. Weird. It was after school when all hell broke loose when a couple of parents fought over him in front of the school gates. Their reason. They wanted Harry to be their kids' mentor. 

Harry was even offered a thousand dollars to mentor someone kids. 

Niall's mentor only acknowledged his presence when they passed by in the corridor. 

Throughout his life, Niall observed how obsessively people adored the curly haired man. Sure, he was gorgeous with chiseled masculine features and with his above average height, he basically towers among his peers. Did he mention Harry was smart as hell too. Genius intellect. Not only that, he was kind and sweet and was the perfect gentleman. Niall was sure there was plenty of men out there with those exact characteristics.  

"Babe, are you still up?" slurred a deep voiced appearing in the house office and go behind him and wrapped his arms around Niall. 

"Yeah. I'm just finishing a few more paragraphs for the report. The professor is one nasty piece of work." 

The man smirked and pasted a long and hard kiss on Niall's cheek. 

"Don't stay up all night." 


"You look like death," commented Liam, eyeing the bags under Niall's eyes. "Finished the report?" 

"Yeah. Managed to send it to the professor a minute before it's due." 

Niall slumped in his seat. Today will be another Beginner's Law lecture. Three hours of sitting in the middle of the lecture hall and listening to the professor Harry's fanbase soothing and sighing after every sentence. Niall could definitely use a few more hours of sleep. Especially with the cold and rainy whether outside. 

Just as he was about to doze off, the same thick curly haired man that Niall sees every single day walks into the hall. His face gleaming. Smiling, showing off those perfectly straight teeth. Looking hot in his new Givenchy jacket. Niall wanted to barf. No one looks that good so early in the morning. Hell, a few seats behind him, a student still hadn't realized he was wearing his clothes backwards. And here was the professor, dressing like he had fresh out from a photo shoot. 

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