The Long Story - NARRY VS Are you sure you're married?

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Hey Yall

Hey Yall? 


"Harry, are you sure you're married?" asked Louis, glancing at Harry and then to Niall. 

The twenty-nine year old starred curiously at his friend sitting across him. Louis had always been an curious cat. He had found out this ability of his quite young in his age, and he has spent quite a long time tending and improving his craft. Louis darted his eyes to a couple of tables away from them in the cafeteria. A blonde was seated with some of his colleagues a few meters away and they were chit-chatting as regular co-workers do. Louis turned his attention back to Harry and narrowed his eyes at the curly haired doctor. 

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at Louis. "What do you mean, bro? Of course we are." 

Louis released a long sigh as he shook his head. "I mean. Come on. You said you've been married for five years. That's almost half a decade. And I swear, not once have I ever seen you guys have any single public displays of affection. Not once."

Harry crossed his arms across his chest, slightly glaring at his best friend and colleague. "Well, we try to keep it at the down low in public. It is a hospital, Lou." 

Louis rolled his eyes at him. "Come on, Harry. Think about it. You don't invite us to dinner. I know you. And I know Niall. I just don't know you guys, together. We don't hang out together, with you and Niall. We hang out separately. Niall and I. You and I. Never you and Niall and I. In fact, when the entire staff hangs out together, you guys still act like professionals. It's ridiculous. Are you sure you married? In fact, I'm not sure myself now that I've said it."

Harry narrowed his eyes at Louis. "Lou, you're being ridiculous, man. Of course, I am still married. Just because we don't do show case our love life-"

"- you guys don't even go to work together. You take the car and Nialler the Metro. And no onw was invited to your wedding, and where are the rings? Da hell is wrong with you two. Why can't you both just take the same vehicle. At least wear rings." 

Harry frowned at his best friend and sighed. "Louis, I swear to you. Niall and I are still married. We're still together. And we are just mighty uncomfortable with showing our relationship to the world. We like it to be just among us. You know." 

"Whatever you say." 


It was in the dead of the night, the staff of Mercy West Hospital had surprised him with a cake during Liam's night shift. Liam was over the moon when he spotted all his best mates had decided to come to the hospital and gave him a wonderful surprise during his shift. Niall, Harry, Louis and even Zayn had gathered in the hospital to surprise him. 

Liam was celebrating his sixth year anniversary working in the hospital. Six long tireless years of being a doctor. This has been a calling for him ever since he was a young child. His experience is filled with plenty of good memories with his colleagues. 

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