The Long Story - Narry VS the divorce

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"Umm, who's the daddy," purrs one of the visitors.

"Oh wow."

Doctor Styles gives the ladies a wink and strides off to where he is heading too. Once he makes the turn along the corridor he hears the ladies giggle. Yup, he still has it. Still very much a stud and he's almost past his great years. Being hot and brilliant and sexy as fuck is just one of the perks of being the Harry Styles. 

Most people will know him as a doctor, philanthropist, number 25 of Forbes Richest Under Thirty. He has haters for no apparent reason. Is it his fault he's that good? 

One great comment he got from his best friend, Liam was, "At least fake that you have flaws." And that was all it took for Harry to amass 200, 000 more followers on social media. Harry posted a photo of his 'flab' stomach. Kidding, he only exaggerated the flab. In reality he still has his six pack hidden underneath his Zegna shirt.


"Doctor Harry, today is Niall's birthday," says his secretary. 

Harry glances to the calendar on his desk, 13 September. Niall is thirty-three right now. How long has it been since they last seen each other, five years? Six... Seven? Harry has lost count. It has been so long and time had moved so fast. 

When they first got married they were only little immature kids. Idealistic and naive. They were those that thought that love conquers all, and you can have the life you want and it was attainable only if you have the love of your life by your side. 

That was a million years ago. 

Now Harry know better. 

Harry recalls his ex-husband's face. Pale skin. Bright blue mischievous eyes. A thin smirk and a light dust of freckles across his nose. Niall was a beautiful man. Harry wonders what he looks like now. Is he still dying his hair peroxide blonde? Harry likes it on him. It made him look like a cherub. All angelic and pure. 

"Taylor, can you please send him a proper card and flowers, not just an email today." 

"Yes, doctor." 


Nine in the evening. Harry looks at his watch. He could leave right now. Be at home and rest. Maybe he'll go to the pub tonight and reminiscence all the successes he has under his best. He's being doing that a lot right now. Drowning in his loneliness in a bottle and a chat with whoever was manning the bar that night. Harry has everything anyone could ever want. But these few years, coming home has been like going into a cave. A dark and endless abyss with nothing to see. Nothing to feel.

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