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Slytherins were always weary about proud Gryffindors. With their loud voices bouncing above everyone else in the Great Hall. You can probably spot a Griffindor by how they're bragging about how they managed to hoodwinked dear old professor Flitwick in class. Idiots!

After the great wizarding war, Gryffindors prided themselves being in the same house of The Harry Potter. The famous wizard that destroyed the dark wizard Voldemort and brought peace in the Wizarding World. Gryffindors now struggle - and sometimes embarrassingly so - to continue the legacies of pranksters like the Weasley Twins, or the heroic Golden Trio. They put annoying pranks on students and teachers. Sometimes they conjure up needless drama just to come swooping down and saving the everyone from the misfortune like a heroic banshee. None gets on the school's nerves more than four gits of Hogwarts.

The leader of the gits is a curly haired moron named Harry Styles. His mother Anne had loved Harry Potter too much that she named her second born his namesake. A handsome boy who talks in such a glacial pace that by the time he has finished his sentence, one would've finished making a Polyjuice potion. Harry was a popular boy in school. He would charm the girls by flashing his cute dimples, swoop down on his Firebolt in front of hormonal forth years and go with them on dates to Hogsmeade. Almost all Hogwarts student were charmed by his antics. All except the Niall Horan.

The first muggleborn in Slytherin in a century. The Great Hall was ripped in silence when the Sorting Hat announced that he was put in the Slytherin house. People whispered whether this was a cruel joke, or whether the Sorting Hat has finally spreyed its thread. But Niall was proved fit for the great house. He made the top student for his year, beating out the rest of the students by a huge margin. Made the house Quidditch team on his second year and even managed to win Slytherin its house cup in a long time. And he was gorgeous. Not to mention cunningly sly that one does not suspect him to be.

And nothing annoyed Niall more than the Four Gits of Hogwarts.

"Hey guys, don't forget to cheer on Gryffindor for the Quidditch match this Sunday," announced the arrogant Liam Payne, standing on the bench making a loud announcement during recess. "I thank everyone up front."

"Yeah! Go Griffindor!"

Niall rolled the eyes at them from the Slytherin table. Do they really have to make all this commotion in the afternoon. Can't they just seat down and eat like everyone else.

"Why the smug face Horan?" called Louis.

Niall rolled his eyes again. Another one. This short wanna-be Oliver Wood Griffindor had called him out in the great hall from across the room. Can you be more attention seeking. Ironic, cause Louis is a shit seeker.

"I'm leaving," whispered Niall to his friend.

"Oi, where you're going?" shouted Louis.

In his haste to leave the Great Hall, Niall hit someone hard and knocked the person over. Niall apologized profusely only to be dismayed by knowing whom he had knocked over. Another Gryffindor Git being on the floor. Niall gave out his hand and helped Zayn Malik up. It was only courteous. He is the only Git of Hogwarts that Niall approved. He kept alone to himself a lot, brooding in the corner like some demon. But when he's hyper, he's almost as worst as Louis.

As Niall walked in the corridors, he suddenly felt a strong invisible force pulling him inside one of the broom closets. Niall let out a loud yelp but the door had closed behind him. He's going to be late for Ancient Runes.

"Can you not do that!"

"Why?" asked the deep voice.

"You shouldn't do magic in the corridor," scolded Niall.

"And you shouldn't hit Zayn."

Niall sighed. "I did not hit Zayn. I wasn't looking where I was going and he too. Naturally we accidentally collided with each other."

"And what if I accidentally pulled you in the broom closet?" said the deep voice.

Niall gulped. He was standing too close to him now that he can feel his breath on him.

"Harry, stop!" breathed Niall.

The taller man got closer to him and pressed his lips on Niall's cheek. Niall had missed his lips being so close to him. He hadn't felt it in almost a week now. With his long legs, Harry opened up Niall's legs and pressed his body against him. He then laid a strong hand on the back of Niall's neck.

"Babe, you know I loose it when I see you all buttoned up," said Harry, flicking at Niall's silver and green striped tie.

Niall raised his eyebrow at him.

"I'm just following Hogwarts rule. Being properly dress," said Niall.

"Well, if you're following my rules. You know bring properly dress is a crime," said Harry, smirking widely. "That you're so guilty of."

Niall blushed and tried to pull away from Harry's grip.

"Baby, can we do this some other time. I need to go to Ancient Runes," said Niall, pushing Harry away.

"But we have Ancient Runes together. It's not for another fifteen minutes," whined Harry pouting.


"Urgh, fine! I'll wait till we're at the Shrieking Shack. I'm getting blue balls here. It's your fault and you know it, Niall."

Niall batted his eyes at him.

"Babe, the only blue balls you will get is when I destroy you during Quidditch this Sunday," said Niall, playing with Harry's curl with his finger.

"You're a tease."

"I'm a snake."

"Did I ever say, I love your tongue?" said Harry.

Niall hummed. "How about I show you, why you love my tongue."

Harry bit his lips tightly.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

And Harry froze and fell backwards in the room closet. Niall watched humorously as his secret boyfriend leaned against a mop like a corpse, the only thing moving were his eyes. He knew he would be in trouble after this. Niall brushed the dust off his robes and leaned to give a peck on Harry's cheek.

"I'll see you in Ancient Runes."






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