The Long Story - NARRY VS the secratary

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"Doctor Styles, where are we heading?" 

"My parents." 

Niall blinked. Harry had informed him earlier that he will be going to visit his parents alone. Niall had already prepared the transport and the details over to the driver. And while Harry was away for a few hours, Niall planned to do the late finance paperwork that was collecting dust at his desk. But now he was tagging along with Harry's plans. 

The blonde darted his eyes to the handsome chairman of the Styles medical group. He was watching intensely at the historical buildings as the car zoomed pass the city. Niall wished he knew what was going on inside that head. Harry was always so stoic that he seems almost inhuman. 

The nine years of working for him being his secretary and assistant has been a constant in his life. He knew everything about his boss. Niall knows what Harry does 24/7 and knows his likes and dislikes and everything in between.


The ride from the town area to the Styles' home was quiet with only a few professional conversation shared between Harry and Niall. Once they reached the Styles palatial residence, Niall noted the beautifully pruned gardens that lined along their massive front yard. The Styles family always loved the trees and the bushes and Niall had spent plenty of hours walking around the gardens with Robin and Anne, listening to them as they talked proudly of the plants. 

"Niall, you're here," chimed Anne. 

"Good afternoon Anne," replied Niall, leaning and giving the elder lady a friendly kiss on her cheek. "You're looking lovelier than the last I saw you."

"Niall, my boy you came," added Robin, going up to the blonde and giving him a quick hug. 

Harry looked at the scene in front of him. Robin and Anne were even more excited that Niall is there, than they were of him. The two haven't even batted an eyelash at him when they saw Harry enter the compound. 

"Boys, why don't you get inside. Lunch is already prepared." 


Niall could feel the tense atmosphere in the dining room. Harry had always behaved like this whenever he's in the Styles household. He was more quiet and reserved, and kept a lot to himself. What kept the tone light and airy were the conversations between Anne and Robin, Anne telling her husband about her latest one of a kind crocodile handbag that she purchased off some Russian billionaire, and Robin talking about renting a castle in Germany by a lake for a boys night out. Rich people talk. More often Niall would talk more to Anne and Robin than Harry himself. 

"Niall will be quitting very soon," blurted Harry in the middle of lunch. 

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