A new friendship

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You and tank were both in the kitchen, tank used one of his hands to make some eggs, his other around your waist. You stood in front of him and watched him name the eggs, he was behind you. Just as tank was about to plate the eggs, your phone softly buzzed in your back pocket.

You quickly looked at what it was

It was a text.

From Riot.

You had put his contact in your phone the night before and the two of you talked a little, but know he was asking if you wanted to go over to his place. You hesitated to answer, you didn't tell riot about tank. You were about to just leave riot on read before tank asked who it was.

You didn't lie to him, you told him it was riot and how he wanted to see you. Tank didn't get mad, he encouraged you to go. He trusted you.
You responded to riots text and put your phone down on the counter.

"Orange juice or water?" Tank was putting the food on the table, then heading over to the fridge.

"Water" tank took two glasses from your cabinet and filled them with water and a couple of ice cubes. He put the down on the table, walked over to your side of the table, and pulled out your chair. You took a seat and thanked him, tank sat down and the two of you dug in.


Riot told you to be over by 12:30, which gave you and hour to get ready, you weren't gonna dress yourself up for him. You just wore tanks hoodie that you got him and some jeans. You kept in mind that Ben might be there, so you avoided accessories.

Tank decided to drive you over to riots place, mainly because he wanted to meet him. You didn't think tank was jealous, you didn't even think tank thought about something happening. Tank most likely just wanted to thank him for keeping you safe, maybe even meet Ben.

You and tank stopped at a gas station before you made it to riots, tank just got a Red Bull and you got a Arizona tea. Tank got some gas, payed, and continued to riots house. You didn't know why tank chose a Red Bull, there were better options but you didn't wanna tease him for his choice of crack juice.

After ten minutes, the two of you were in riots driveway. You could see riots actual house now, he had a small garden in his front yard, filled with flowers and a couple bushes. There was a porch swing and a rocking chair next to the door, you assumed him and Ben would sit there and play.

Tank followed behind you to the front door, a little too close but it was fine. You knocked on the door instead of ringing the door bell, just incase Ben was sleeping. The door swung open and there stood riot with Ben in his arms, riot looked at you then to tank then back at you.

"Hey Riot, this is tank... my boyfriend" you were nervous that riot would get upset, but he didn't.

"Cool!" He welcomed you and tank in.

"Tank" he held out his hand for riot

"Riot" he took it.

"Thank you for helping-"

"Ashoka!" You stopped tank from saying your name, he looked at you confused before it clicked in his mind

"Ashoka, thanks for helping Ashoka"

"Of course, I mean the cops weren't releasing people till the next day, I wasn't just gonna let her stay there" tank smiled at riot, riot returned the smile.

Maybe the two of them meeting won't be so bad


Sorry the chapter is short, but I hope it was good.

So I got banned on tik tok and had to make a new one, it was going good till the incels found it 🤢 but atleast im not shadow banned anymore

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