The Blizzard of 68': The Tipping point

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Jack's stay in Greenland lasted for a few months, letting the summer season come and go. He never stayed still for a day, always flying around and bringing cold to the places that were experiencing their winter months, but he would always get back to Greenland. He would always go back into the igloo-like cave he had made in the snow.

If he stayed still for too long the feeling of being watched would grow, causing the fur on Jack's neck to stick straight up. His dreams were slowly being overtaken by the boogie man, to the point where he avoided sleep two out of seven days a week. It may not be much but it was already wreaking havoc on his powers and his control over them.

Pitch had yet to truly attack, biding his time until jack was at his weakest.

He knew couldn't let that happen. Thankfully the moon seemed to help, but only when it was full. it scared pitch away for the night and helped jack dream deeply, helped him dream of a little brown-haired girl giggling as they played hide and seek.


It had been nearly two years now, at least that's what Jack thinks, and Jack was at his wit's end.

Jack had lost track of time long ago. Every day was the same, the only thing that helped jack realize time was passing was the creation of buildings, of cities and people and so many other minuscule things when it was compared to his immortality.

He had been alone for so long.

Pitch the only disturbing company, watching him from the shadows. It was driving him insane, even the moon's influence didn't seem to keep him away now.

He barely got any sleep, more than likely only sleeping once a week. He couldn't even relax because if he did he would fall asleep and if he fell asleep he would wake up to black shadows curling around wherever he slept.

It was sometime in the nineteen-sixties close to seventies. It was April fourteenth. It was Easter.

It was the day pitch decided he was done playing tricks.


Jack had been beside his pond, the states have been quite colder this year and allowed him to stay around his little town longer than normal.

He knew better than to try and talk to the Easter bunny, he didn't want to lose his staff again.  He knew his attachment to his staff was a weakness but it helped him channel his power, gave him comfort when everything became too much. When he was in dire need of a touch from something else, someone else.

He was sitting at the base of a tree, staring out at his pond. The moon was just beginning to go down, jack watching its sad descent as the sun began to slowly rise and take his place.

It was then that what he at first thought was grass touching his wrist, lunged forward and wrapped itself tightly around his wrist like a cuff. He jolted forward in surprise, but the shadow stayed strong and wouldn't budge from his wrist.

"Hello, again little spirit," Pitch whispered where he thought Jack's ear was. Jack trembled, his free hand gripping his staff tightly as he turned and swung it hard. It hit nothing but air.

"Leave me alone!" Jack snarled, the temperature dropping steadily as Jack's emotions began to run wild. He used his power to freeze the shadow and break free from the cuff.

"Feisty little spirit!" Pitch exclaims as jack pushes himself into the air, trying to escape before another chain lunges out and wraps around his boot, yanking him back down with a yelp.

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