Team Goof's act

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When the Shanghai teens ended their act with thunderous cheers and applause, Max and his friends all took deep breaths, with Roxanne holding her boyfriend's hand to soothe his nerves and ran to the stage wearing flowing purple capes.

They are doing a comedic parody of Gomez and Morticia just newly wed and meeting Gomez's crazy family. The skit opened with a hammy ' Phantom of the Opera' skit. And then Max opened his mouth to speak his lines.

' AHH! MY BRIDE! IT IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL NIGHT, IS IT NOT??' Max roared in the best Addams accent he can muster.

Everyone howled, laughed and applauded. Goofy laughed and applauded the most of all. He even stood on his seat and screamed ' YEAAAAH!! WORK IT, SON! WORK IT!'

' DA, MY LOVE!!' Roxanne squealed in her best Transataltnic accent. ' YOURE FAMILY IS QUITE UNIQUE!!!'

Everyone howled again, and everyone in the McDuck living room screamed eh laughter.

Ziva, a beautiful tomboy ish grey tabby, started to play a riff of the electric guitar, earning screams and cheers from the crowd.

Bobby pretended to be Cousin Itt, which is why his costume is basically a very hairy bodysuit. ' Why did I even agree to do this. ' He then pretended to speak gibberish, jump around and fell flat on his face!!

Everyone laughed so hard they hurt their sides.

Stacey played Morticia's ditzy blonde older sister, and the way Stacey exxageratedly delivers her lines made everyone scream laugh.

Everyone in the living room can never stop laughing.

Then Max and his friends started singing ' I'm Going Slightly Mad ' by Queen and THE ATMOSPHERE IS EXPLOSIVE.

' IM GOING SLIGHTLY MAD!!' everyone in the living room screamed as they danced along ' IM GOING SLIGHTLY MAD!!'


Meanwhile, back on stage, the crowd went wild as Max and his friends started to sing and dance to the song with great gusto. They managed to infuse heavy metal, goth and even break dancing. They all showed off some awesome breakdance moves and several of the young ladies at the audiences fainted and had to be escorted out.

Backstage, everyone who saw it started whooping and cheering over the song. Steve and Viola are singing to the song. Raimundo and Will are dancing hip hop to that song and jamming wildly to it. Yuzuru and Anastasia took the chance to a little figure skating improv without skates. All they did was imagine themselves skating to this song.

Goofy and the other Spoonerville parents were screaming and jamming to the song so wildly they managed to destroy the seats. Not that they cared anyway - they are too excited.

When the whole performance ended, everyone screamed and applauded as Maz and his team, already covered in sweat, bowed melodramatically as the curtains close.

Max and his friends all cheered and high fives each other when their parents all hugged them.


' Knock it off dad, ' Max laughed nervously, as several celebrities who saw it guffawed . ' There are celebrities here. '

As his friends' parents all enthusiastically asked for the celebrities nearby to sign autographs, Raimundo guffawed ' My dad back in Brazil embarrassed me so much I lost all sense of shame!!'

This earned even more laughter from.mant others. Goofy turned to Raimundo 'You are Raimundo Vaz, Rocha Vaz's son, SHUSH agent, current MBA student, cocoa bean heir and also a supermodel, right?'

' That's me!' Raimundo beamed as he ruffled his lilac feathers and showed off his dark purple highlights on his hair.

' Can we get an autograph!!' Max, and Goofy gave Raimundo their autograph books.

' Nao ha problema! Muito obirgado!!' Raimundo beamed and signed everything. Then it was Raimundo's turn to do his stand up.

As he walked to the stage, Raimundo cackled to himself ' My parents and sister are gonna be so shocked.'

Max and his friends crashed into the dressing room where Will, Yuzuru, Anastasia and Chanel were playing poker to see the act from the dressing room tv.

' OMG! CHANEL BEAKS!!' Roxanne screamed as she whipped out her autograph book, which was already filled with autographs from several celebrities already.

' SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!' Stacey screamed, flipping her hair and squealed.

' Can we get your autograph, Ms Beaks?' Ziva asked with zeal in his eyes.

' Why, of course!!' Chanel guffawed, enjoying the attention she got from 6 teen fans of hers.

After she quickly signed Max and his friends' autographs, everyone quickly sat down to watch Raimundo's act.

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