Chapter Seven

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It's almost 3am. Its raining, which is rare.

I can't sleep. Confusion, anger and pain are crowding in my head. Suddenly I hear thudding sound on my window. After my unsuccessful attempts of avoiding the noise, I grumpily get up from my bed to look out the window and find out who has decided to disturb me and my thoughts at this hour of night.

Opening the window, I am shocked to the view I'm seeing. It's pouring rain outside. In the heavy rain, George is standing on the porch of my house with pebbles in his hands. He is all drenched in rain, from head to toe.

I grab my umbrella and run outside without a second thought. As soon as I reach him, I held up the umbrella above his head.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing here at this hour? Why didn't you bring an umbrella? What if you get a cold?! " I start scolding him.

"You're mad at me" he say it like that's supposed to answer all my questions and worries.

"So what?! Why are you getting yourself wet at this hour, George?!" I glare at him.

"Why are you mad at me? I can't sleep knowing that you're mad at me. I can't even think about anything else" he says cupping my face with his cold hands. I shiver at his touch.

"Come inside with me now. We need to get you warm and dried" I say dragging him inside with me. He keeps staring at me all the while till I make him sit in front of the fireplace with layers of comforter and hot coffee.

"I'm not mad at you" I lie, looking at the steams that's coming from the coffee in my hand.

He chooses to stay silent, slightly nodding at my response, not buying it honestly. Only sometimes it happens that I can read him like a open book. He is usually a mysterious story I can't read.

After a few more minutes of silence when I was sure, he won't say anything, he breaks the silence. But he never looks at me. His eyes are fixed on the flames in the fireplace.

" To be honest, I need help. How can I know why she's upset? And how can I make her happy? What can I do?" he pauses, still talking to the fire.

"I'm really clueless right now. But I think I'm gonna bury these thoughts and messed up excuses in a box inside my head, deep down, deep deep down. Night." Saying this he closes his eyes lying on his side on the arm chair.

Not long after, he opens his eyes again and keeps staring at the fire flames, sitting upright.

" But how can I sleep knowing that she's sleepless because of me? I can almost feel her unstable emotions in me" he sighs almost painfully, making my stomach hurt.

"I'm really clueless right now.

Like yes she told me that I forgot her which I didn't. I am just busy with life. I had plans to take some photographs for instagram but couldn't, to prepare myself for exams and tests, couldn't, to plan out the future, couldn't. But truth being I have made a lot of people upset and I really don't know how to live up to their expectations. I don't. I am really angry with myself and have gotten unproductive lately. And this is the woman I talk to the most and share everything about my life. Now even she won't understand me. I can understand her though" he stays silent after this, thinking to himself. I stay silent too.

Am I being too harsh? Probably.

"So I have to take the semester final exams soon and also have to prepare for my post graduate. Either I prepare for my post graduate application now or else I've to loose 8 months, attending the course in fall, next year. So yeah, I'm really stressed out" he explains to the flames.

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