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Hey guys!

What do you think about Melissa's story?

Was she over reacting or her confused and overwhelmed reactions were normal and justified? What do you think you would have done, if you're in her shoes?

So here's the thing I wanted to share with you guys, about the story.

The Night We Met is based on a true story.

So Melissa and George, their conversations specifically, every single one of them is real.

Melissa and George are representing a friend of mine and her ex-boyfriend. After her break up, she was devastated, broken and lost. Melissa's death portrays her emotional breakdown in reality.

I asked her how she had been feeling. Her reply was this -

"What is a heart break? How does a heart break feel like? Ever wondered?

People say relationships are sad. Two people invest so much into each other and their connection, and somehow it doesn't last, and break their hearts beyond repair.

But I would say, sad is the moment of realization. It's beyond sad. Its a feeling unexplainable. It's like the person who you thought you will spend the rest of your life with, love him with all your heart and soul, he is sitting right there in front of you. And suddenly you realize,  you've given up all your rights and your place in his life, your dreams and your desires, everything just in a mere second. He is so close, you can touch him if you reach your arm out, yet he is so distant that you can't reach him. He was yours and now he is not.

You turn to your left and see a car speeding towards you. Then you look right and see a train just a few meters away coming at you with full speed. A plane in just above your head, coming down. You look down to find you're standing in a puddle of water with gasoline and electric wire in it.

At a distance someone lits a match and throws it toward the water and at the same time the wire is connected to electricity. At the same fucking second the plane, car and train- everything comes at you and crashes you into nothing. Even before you can realise, you're gone, vanishing into thin air, disappearing into atoms. That's how you feel when you realise you're no one, the feeling of heart break.

And the worse part is you feel all these in your mind, heart and stomach. You brain is hazy, you can't think straight. Your chest feels like someone has ripped out your heart and now there's a big hole in there, leaving you empty and  cold. Your stomach is churning, making painful knots. You're choking on your own breathe unable to do anything to stop this heavy feeling. It's physical pain. But you're not injured. No one sees you being injured, bleeding and gasping for air. Only you know how you feel, like dying with every passing second. So you're forced to clutch on your wound hard and move on.

That's what heartbreaks feel like. Inhuman. "

Guys, the reason behind why I felt the need to write a story about my friend's personal life and emotions is that, I think there's so many souls out there who need to know that one relationship, one single person doesn't measure their worth.

Guys, if any of you are heart broken, I want to tell you that, don't regret it. Don't regret your feelings and your love. Your love is worth much more than this. You gave your all, you put all your efforts into this and your partner loved you too. They did. Or else you wouldn't even feel the need to work for your relationship in the first place. But still it didn't work out.

You've your reasons for this, I'm sure. It's so heart breaking and sad I know. Your love is pure and sacred. But may be it's not just for them, may be it's for someone more deserving, who is sure of you and ready to cross the ocean for you.

Trust me, there's someone out there who deserves you. That person will worship you like a royalty. That person will make you want to live again and live your life with that certain person, each and every second. The experiences you gather now are the ones that will help you then to get through difficulties with that person, the one. Because we all learn from our pasts.

But does that person deserve a broken, miserable, weak partner? No, they don't.
For them, you've to be strong. You have to be whole again. You have to smile again. Don't let someone walk all over you with no regrets. You have to value yourself first to have someone by your side who will make you feel worthy of their dreams and desires.

I wish you choose the love that chooses you, that makes you feel like both a soulmate and a friend, that doesn’t play any games and inspires you to be the best version of you that you can be. You deserve a forever.

Date someone who is interested in you. I don’t mean someone who thinks you’re cute or funny. i mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you. Someone who wants to read every word you write. Someone who wants to hear every note of your favourite song, or watch every scene of your favourite movie. Someone who wants to find every scar on your body, and learn where they came from. Someone who wants to know your favourite brand of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. There is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are.

If you feel like someone is toxic for your mental heath or is effecting your life in a bad way, please get rid of them. Yes they might be doing it without knowing and they might want the best for you too. But the most important thing that matters is you, yourself. Toxic love isn't romantic. If you think that they are immature now and will change in future, then let me tell you, still get rid of him. If he changes in future, he is worth the wait, but not the trouble, never the pain at present. It's neither your job to change someone's mentality, nor can you do it.

Do something, before it's too late. If you have friends who might be confused and miserable in their relationships, please help them too.

Anyways this story means a lot to me guys. I really hope you liked it. And I hope it has helped the ones at least a little bit, who are in a miserable condition now. If you need someone to talk to or listen to you, please feel free to contact me. Here's my contact information :

Email address :

Instagram : @mowly_i


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