Chapter 6: Plans Failed

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Lee Min Ho's Pov

It was the weekend. I was in my car parked a distance across the mansion.No one could see me but I could see them. I saw Kim talking to the security guard,a while later she entered.After some minutes,I saw my brother and my cousin in the jeep seated at the back.
3 mins later the lasers were off,then a black van rushed into the mansion, then came out of the mansion.The glass of the van was clear so I could see Kim struggling with them before they chloroformed her. I went after them,but lost them at a dark corner.
I picked my phone and opened the GPS app to find Kim's location. It lead me to a warehouse.I came out of the car and headed to the entrance of the warehouse. I saw a man there guarding the entrance.When he sighted me,he approached me but I lost my temper and kicked him on the chest knocking him out.
Three men approched me but I beat them also. Their leader came to me,he hesitated at first looking scared but I didn't care.I kicked him with a sharp hit,but he proved stubborn and came at me.I used his anger to my advantage and hit him on the face knocking him out.
After I cleared all the obstacles I went around looking for Kim, I could her lying unconscious on the ground.
"Kim,Kim"I called her name but she didnt wake up.
I carried her and headed out of the warehouse, tucking her in the front seat next to the drivers side.
When I got to the mansion,the laser was still off,I entered into the mansion and asked the two maids I saw to take her to Kim Seoun's room.
"Kim Seoun!" I called out to my cousin who was in her room.We entered and tucked Kim on her bed.
"You found her." Kim Seoun looked worried,as the maids attended to Kim
"I followed them"I said to her
"But how did u know?,I didn't call you" Kim Seoun was curious
"I was about to get to the mansion when I saw Kim in the van" I lied to her
"I'm glad you found her, I was so afraid,I didn't know what to do. Thats why I didnt call you and my brothers" Kim Seoun said to me, she always referred to me and Kim Sang as her biological brothers too.
"Its best I call them now...Oppa?" Kim Seoun added trying to tell me to stay with Kim
"I'll stay with her" I said to her as she left the room to call my brothers.I looked at the maids tending to Kim.After they were through,they left the room to let her rest. I went towards the bed and sat close to where Kim was lying and I flipped her scattered hair to the side to see her face. I felt pity for her getting into trouble when she's still new to the system.
"I'm sorry" I apologised and left the room.
After and hour I and Kim Seoun headed to the room to check on her.
"Hey" I said to her as we entered the room.
"You need to rest. This is my room. You have nothing to worry about" Kim Seoun said gently as she sat close to Kim on the bed.
"My face hurts" Kim whined,it looked funny so it made I and my cousin laugh
"That's what you get for putting yourself in trouble" I scolded her
"Who were they?...what did they want with me?" Kim looked scared
"Apparently they weren't after you,they were after me. Sadly they were misguided" Kim Seoun explained, they were after my cousin.
"We think the security guard is one of them, maybe he found a way to turn off the lasers, what's worse,we couldn't find him" Kim Seoun continued
"He ran away?" Kim looked scared
"Yes.But its alright, we're safe. YOU are safe." Kim Seoun encouraged
"Still you were at the wrong place at the wrong time" I scolded her again but she only smiled
"How did u find me?" Kim got curious
"I'm glad didn't you return the watch I gave you" I teased her
"It has a GPS system" Kim tried to sound smart
"I'm glad the ugly duckling is smart" I teased again
"Why do you Koreans call me an ugly duckling" Kim joked making us all chuckle.
I'm glad she's okay.
An hour later I was in my room drowned in thoughts pacing back and forth across the couch in my bedroom.
"My plans...its ruined!"I exclaimed smashing the flower vase on the floor
I flipped the small glass table over making the glass shatter into pieces. I heard Kim Hyun Joong's voice but I didnt care.
"Sun,Sun"I mumbled to myself
After a while I slammed my body on the floor raising one of my knee crying silently.
My family and Kim found a way to open the floor and entered. None of them could come near me because I could hurt them.
"Min?" Kim called out to me as she approached me. She touched my knee and I felt a static reaction that made me feel a little bit calm. I wanted the peace to be complete so I hugged her. I and my brothers always had these crazy tantrums but mine is worse.
After I calmed down she set me on the couch in my room. She decided to leave. I didn't want her to leave but her seeing me like this made me want her to be safe.
Kim and Kim Seoun left the room leaving me with Kim Hyun and Kim Sang.
Kim Hyun Joong sat close to me on the couch but didn't touch me.
He saw Kim Sang using his phone to try to call someone.
"Who are you calling?" Kim Hyun Joong asked on my behalf
"Who else if not Sun?, she was the only one who could calm him down, it's a miracle that foreigner was able to calm him down"" Kim Sang ranted
"I noticed it too. And her name is Kim don't forget that" Kim Hyun Joong cautioned my brother.
"Since when do you call her by her name?" Kim Sang was surprised but Kim Hyun Joong didn't give him an answer. Kim Sang moved a few distance away still in the room to call Sun.
"Cousin what's wrong this time?" I felt a look of concern in his eyes
"I just miss her" I wasn't entirely honest though.
"You know you and Sun can't be together. You have to learn to live with that and learn to control your temper, you're wasting resources destroying the properties in the mansion" Kim Hyun Joong scolded me. He was a year older than me while i was 2 years older than my brother and my brother was 2 years older than Kim Seoun making her the youngest.
My family was organized when it came to child birth that's why we weren't much older than each other.
"Is that all you have to say to me?"I asked sternly,
"You always act pompous, all you care about is the property and not your family, stop acting selfish" I scolded him back
"If I didn't care I wouldn't be here listening to you, would I?, just don't make any more mess" Kim Hyun Joong said coldly as he stood up to leave
"You're not the boss of me" I said angrily to him.But he didnt reply.He walked out of the room leaving my brother with me,my brother had finshed talking on the phone.
Kim Sang approached me and sat beside me on the couch.
"What happened to the plan?" Kim asked with a worried tone.
"Don't worry brother. I'll deal with those idiots later" I responded in suspense.

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