...White Haired, Pale Girl...(38)

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Miyako's POV

I looked back at the village, you could see the hustle and bustle of people trying to fix homes, buildings and other things. The chunin exams had definitely been one for the history books, with Orochimaru making an appearance and with the Kazekaze having been killed. I shuffled the bag on my shoulder, I had bought a fairly normal sized bag, packing only the necessities, Erza's magic helped massively when it came to packing. Turning from the village, I got the map I had been provided with out.

The mission itself seemed fairly simple enough, Scarface had made it out to be some dangerous, life threatening task. But no, here I was walking to the sand to repair what had been broke. The trust. My mission was the repair the relationship between the sand and the leaf. It made sense that we aimed to fix this before more trouble occurred. Ibiki had given me a letter to read to who was currently in charge, I had thought of reading it before leaving to make sure it sounded good, but I trust him. Worst comes to worse, I can do my signature move too, wing it.

Scarface told me that the journey to the sand would take a little while, maybe a few days, I had planned to speed it and try get there s fast as I could, but that seemed like a hard task to do when I had no clue on the direction I was going. The journey mostly consisted of mindless humming, running and checking the map to ensure I was heading in the correct direction. He had plotted my journey on the map so I knew the rough way in which to go. In the time it took to get close to the sand, it had been rather uneventful, little attacks and little threats. From the way the journey went, I thought it would have been a fairly easy mission, but it turned out to be worse than first anticipated.

When I first arrived at the sand I was greeted with a gate and two men who looked very fed up with their job. "Hey! I'm Miyako."I said with a jump in my step and a wave. They both looked up to meet the person who had spoke, me. They looked very aggravated and pissed off, not like friendly characters at all. "Why are you here kid?" The one on the left asked, his voice was deep and sounded tired. I fidgeted a little before speaking, "I was sent here from the Leaf for a mission?" They looked at me, then at each other then back at me, "We've heard nothing about any shinobi coming to the sand, do you have identification and some sort of pass?" The one of the right asked, his voice was sombre, from first impressions of the sand this place seemed miserable. Never the less, I did as requested, Scarface had handed me some paper to give to these people before I left, glad he did don't think I would be able to charm my way through these two. They read the papers and let me through.

The sand was a dull village, but still held its own charm. Surrounded by rock all the way round, the village seemed to be in a well protected area. The streets were full of civilians living their lives, people seemed happy. One very prominent feature of the Sand was that it was hot, and I mean that. My outfit choice had most certainly not been the best with leggings a top and a coat that had accompanied throughout my journey here. Deciding it was for the best I requiped into some shorts and a crop top. My first impression of Sunagakure was that it was nice, people seemed content; although compared to Konoha seemed much more welcoming and lively.

Scarface had told me that upon my arrival that I should find an inn or somewhere to stay, so thats exactly what I did. I searched for a little before finding a nice one. After paying I headed to my room to drop off my bag; the room itself was nothing spectacular. It had a double bed, a set of drawers, a bathroom and a bay window embedded into the wall. The room was far from homely but was a comforting place to stay for a couple days. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I looked drained the walk here was tedious and long, I was hungry and tired. 

Deciding it was for the best I decided to go look for somewhere nice to eat. Leaving the inn the heat washed over me once again. Walking down the streets I did receive a few odd looks, which in retrospect made a lot of sense, I was a white haired, pale girl walking in their village with a leaf headband wrapped around my ankle. I ignored the looks anyway, I had a more important thing to find, food.

Walking down main streets seemed to be the way to go as rather quickly, I came across a place to eat. I looked up at the sign above the door, it simply just said "Sunagakure Ramen". I entered and placed my order. Ever since my arrival here in the ninja world, since I met Naru, ramen always reminded me of him, my foxy little blonde bestie. My mind drifted to him for a minute, I was worried about him, he was with the pedo on some mission for this woman I've never heard of. 


Yeah thats the one.

She's clearly an important woman if she's being made Hokage.

No duh. I know I don't know her and I know this may sound stupid but I don't feel like she can replace the old man. Maybe I'm only saying this because I only know of the Leaf with him as the Hoakge, but I miss him. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts but the woman handing me the steaming bowl of ramen. It looked delicious, but no Ichiraku for sure. While eating I was interrupted by a voice calling out my name...

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