Mid Point: The Barriers

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The dimension in which we live in has different barriers. They're very large and covers a continent. Anyone can enter and exit easily from barrier to barrier but barrier officials have a place where they can detect every single person entering the barrier. There are 7 continents, so there are 7 continental barriers. What barriers are they? In the previous story I've mentioned Grey Barrier which covers the whole South America. My cousin, Nikobi Cross, is in there along with Nelson Patricia. Second one is Green Barrier which covers the whole Europe. This barrier is the place mystical things originated from. Asia, unlike the other continents, is very big. The barrier is divided in two, the first one is Red Barrier which covers all of Asia that are in eastern parts and the second one is Brown Barrier which covers all of Asia that are in western parts. The fourth one is Blue Barrier which covers North America. The fifth one is Purple Barrier which covers Australia. The sixth one is Cream Barrier which covers Africa. It's called Cream Barrier due to its sandy conditions. The final one is White Barrier which covers Antarctica. Those are the major barriers that cover the world's continents. Aside from major barriers, there are also minor barriers. Vermilion Barrier which covers Oceania, Ultramarine Barrier which covers Latin America, Orange Barrier which covers Greenland, and a very small Black Barrier covering Iceland. The seas are not covered by barriers unless from one region to another is close.

There are difference in barriers, especially its effects on your self. Blue Barrier, for example, people in the barrier have short lives. When they possess the dominant gene, they will have short lives but when they possess the recessive gene, they will have longer lives, same as humans' maximum lifespan which is 100 years old. Green Barrier has a normal lifespan but there is a good chance to become a centenarian. The stable condition in it made it possible to live that long. Red Barrier is the area where you can break the rules and live very long. If you have the dominant gene, your age will break the rules. For example, 90 years old in age means 33 years old in their body. It doesn't mean that they still stay like a little child at 30 years old, but Red Barrier dominant gene possessors will have a slower aging once they pass 21 years old. The age threshold are different in each person. Some may be 60, 100, 87, or even as short as 48. When a Red Barrier dominant gene possessor pass their threshold, your body age will still be 33. Double of the threshold would be 66, and so on. When they possess the recessive genes, they will live with the normal lifespan. In Grey Barrier, the lifespan is beyond normal lifespan which is up to 125 years old. The rest of the barriers have normal lifespans.

The barriers were created in the 5th century. The world was in crisis at the time. People with power wanted to gain territories of their own. As a result, they warred with other powerful people in order to gain the territory. Other than that, they also laid arms on the people native to their continents. Many people automatically submit to them and the ones who resisted, all had died. The war went on for 15 years. The war made the grounds covered in blood at that time. Green Barrier was known for their sorcery at that time, Red Barrier was known for their martial arts and swordsmanship at that time, Blue Barrier was known for their unity at that time, Grey Barrier was known for their very large armies at that time, and so on. After 15 years, they grew tired of the war and they decided to make a treaty of peace. All of them decided to create a barrier that would signal which one owns a territory and so on. Major barriers were once warzones and it had always been stained. However, minor barriers are different. Minor barriers were the territories that were untouched. After knowing that the continents had barriers already, they made their own, which started minor barriers.

What made the barriers so special? They were formed by different people. Different power levels and abilities mean that they will insert different energies to the barrier. The barriers have their own advantages and disadvantages but they managed to overcome it anyway.

I come from Grey Barrier, same as my cousin Cross. My room from the ruins has a library and the library contains the original writings from long ago. Anyway, I've told you the story about the barriers, it's time to show you the guys from the southwestern part of Grey Barrier.

To be continued...

Author's note:
"Hi! Thanks for reading my story. Wow, it's been tiring to be here. Mid Points are used to tell extra details about a thing that some people may care about. If you like it, please vote and leave a comment, see you in the next chapter!"

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