Randall Wu

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I have finished the founders. This time, let's dive in to the members themselves. To tell the members, I start from the first person to join Arcana Defenders until the last. As I said in the previous part, let's travel to Red Barrier.


In 1328 AD, at the northern part of Red Barrier, there was a man named Randall Wu. Randall Wu was known as 'The Solitary Human'. He just went silent unless somebody asked him. In fact, he literally had no interest in talking. As a possessor of the Red Barrier dominant gene, he had an age threshold of 51 years. That was a short threshold so unlike the others who had 100 years of threshold, he aged much faster than them but still slower than people with normal lifespans.
Other than "The Solitary Human", he was also called "Old Wu", because his aging didn't slow down even though he possessed the dominant gene of Red Barrier and he was already 61 years old at this time. All of that didn't matter to him because he only cared about himself and fully himself. Even so, if someone asked him nicely, he would be happy to help. People just didn't want to understand him, that was the problem with Randall Wu.
Randall Wu often stayed in his village, especially inside his house. He would never get out unless important things came up, even the people knew about it and would often send food to his home.

Back to 1328 AD, Randall Wu prepared himself to go for a walk, which was very unusual of him, but it must be something. He used a staff as a weapon and he always brought it whenever he wanted to get out. Before he opened the door, a villager opened the door for him instead. It turned out that the villager wanted to give Old Wu some food.
"Uh, hi, Old Wu, here...is some food for you," said the villager, who was afraid of Old Wu.
"Thank you, but why are you nervous like that?"
"Uh, no, it's just...see you later, Old Wu," said the villager, still nervous. Then, the villager left.
"What exactly happened to everyone?"
Old Wu couldn't stop thinking about it but he couldn't help it. He had to get to someone in order to find out what happened to the villagers.
Even while walking, the villagers already look terrified.
"Hey, why are you guys afraid of me?" asked Wu, confused.
"Uh, we were told...things...about you and...decided to...keep our distance," said a villager, nervous.
"Told what? Who told you?"
"Uh, I don't know, uh, come on, guys, let's keep going," said a villager, so nervous that other villagers also got away.

Old Wu got confused and it was already a common thing in his life. It couldn't be helped, he ignored all the people that he saw while the people were looking at him with "evil" eyes. He kept walking down the road and found a place that looked like a hut. Judging by his face, it seemed that Old Wu had known the place for a long time. Before he went in, he knocked on the door.
He always made one single knock because he didn't want to garner too much attention.
"Come in!", a voice from inside the hut spoke. After that, Old Wu opened the door.
"Hello, Randall Wu, it's been 3 months. Any business?", the house owner said.
"Jay Xu, long time no see. I know you don't feel like it's me to take the initiative, but you're the only one I can trust", said Old Wu.
"Hahaha, I'm flattered you said that. Anyway, what's the matter, Randy?"
"I know it's not really problematic for me, but I'm really annoyed by it. The people in the village, what were they thinking?" asked Old Wu.
"I'm sure they feel like you're not a part of the village. You never expose yourself in the light, if I recall? Currently no one knows you by 'knowing' you. They know you through chatters", said Jay.
"Well, I guess so. Well, see you later, Jay", said Old Wu.
"Wait, Randy, that's all?"
"Do you expect me to ask many questions in one meeting? I come here with only one question prepared and I can't think of any other on the spot", said Randy. After that, he left Jay's hut.
Some time after Old Wu left...
"Randy, how naïve you are, there's a reason why people like you can never be accepted by the village, especially after your parents died", said Jay.

Old Wu walked back to his house. On the road, he started thinking about his younger days...


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