𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔩𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔰

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(NAME) SNEEZED. The action woke her up, her forehead hitting the tent's flap lightly. She blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright light in front of her eyes. She yawned, closing them tightly to try and block out the sun.

And then she remembered she was in a cave.

Gasping slightly, (Name) bolted up right, eyes frantically trying to figure out what it was. Her shoulders relaxed and a sigh left her lips, that were now drawn up into a soft smile, when she spotted that it was just a firefly. (Name) reached her hand out, her palm underneath it as she waited for it to land on her hand.

The bug ignored her completely, letting her watch as it flew to the side, landing on the tent.

A small, startled scream left her lips when the tent caught on fire. She heard Milo's scream shortly after.

''Fire!'' She yelled as loudly as she possibly could, frantically crawling away from her tent, making sure to snatch up a shirt as she went. (Name) had slept in a tank top and some leggings, but those where her pyjamas so she had to grab an actual day-time clothing item in order not to feel completely naked.

Other yells quickly met her ears as other tents caught fire.

Pulling her shirt on over her head, (Name) made her way over to the water supply, ducking to avoid the evil fireflies as she went. As interesting as their species was, she didn't really feel like getting up close and personal with any of them at the moment.

(Name) swerved and ducked, wafting her hands above her as she tried to avoid any of them touching her or her clothes. It was hard to see as a group of them seemed to have taken a liking to her and were now circling around her, causing her to bump into a few rocks.

She couldn't find the water supply, she had a bigger problem right now and all the ducking and running had moved her off track, now heading towards the fire - and she had no idea.

''(Name)!'' Someone yelled and (Name) was jerked away from the fire and out of the fireflies circle as someone grabbed her wrist.

''Milo!'' She yelled, unbelievably thankful, but that became confusion as they ran the opposite way, moving away from the water supply. ''The water's the other way!'' Tugging on his arm as she tried to turn them around, but Milo kept running the opposite way from where she wanted to go. Soon she realised that they were running for the trucks, other people having the same idea as they were already leaving. So (Name) stopped fighting and ran along side her friend, neither noticing that they were still holding hands.

They jumped into the driver's side of a truck, Milo scrambling over into shotgun and (Name) quickly turned the engine on and began to follow Mole, who was in the lead making her the second in line as they tried to cross the bride.

Fate wasn't on their side as a giant rock fell from the ceiling, falling directly onto the bridge, practically cutting it in half. (Name)'s eyes widened, quickly moving into reverse as Mole's began to move backwards.

Gravity pulled them backwards, they were almost moving down at an one hundred and eighty degree angle, and then they began to plummet downwards.


(NAME) COULD HEAR PEOPLE TALKING, but their voices were muffled. She blinked a few times, the action taking a lot of effort as she tried to clear her vision of the black dots.

When she could see again, there was a face in hers. Or at least, a face hidden by a mask. It was big and blue with white hair coming from the top and sides, their eyes glowing a beautiful blue. They were the ones speaking, but (Name) couldn't recognise the language.

''Uh, hello?'' She said and one moved forward, prodding at her face, (Name) let them, deciding that it was the best option that didn't involve scaring them off. They spoke some more Atlantean but (Name) shook her head. ''I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.''

There was a grunt from beside her and (Name) turned to see Milo was laying there, slowly gaining consciousness with a cut on his shoulder. He blinked, his gaze finding the masks and he freaked out, shuffling further back into the rock they were laying on. (Name) shuffled into his side, placing a hand on his chest to not stop him from moving.

''Milo, it's alright,'' she said, side-glancing at the masked people as they watched the interaction. Milo stopped, looking down to see (Name) and his shoulders relaxed slightly, a breath leaving his mouth. He looked back at the Atlanteans and wrapped an arm protectively around (Name), just in case.

He winced as his did so, bringing attention to the cut on his arm. (Name) lightly pressed her fingers to the area around it, trying to figure out what she should do. A hand was on her shoulder and she turned to see that one of them had lifted their mask, revealing a girl with white hair and wide blue eyes.

(Name) nodded, somehow understanding and she moved out of the way, watching in interest as the girl placed her hand on Milo's shoulder. Milo winced, but then the skin underneath the girl's hand began to glow, the same blue that the masks eyes were, and whens he withdrew her hand, there was nothing there.

''Thank you,'' (Name) said, realising Milo was too shocked to do so himself and she turned. The girl smiled before dropping her mask over her eyes and turning around.

There was a crash and (Name) spotted Mole's vehicle coming through. Unfortunately, the noise scared off the Atlanteans and they began to run. (Name) was quickly on their trail, Milo's hand dropping as she moved out from under it.

''(Name)!'' He yelled, following her.

She struggled to keep up, but she pushed herself to follow the same route as them. Eventually she reached a small crack in a wall and squeezed her way through it, yelling at them to wait for her. (Name)'s words stopped in her mouth, falling silent as she realised she was on a cliff surrounded by waterfalls. She reached the edge, staring into the distance with her mouth slightly agape.

A hand was on her shoulder. ''Don't run off like that!'' Milo said through pants, stopping beside her and he stared her in the eye, not even taking in his surroundings.

(Name) ignored him, her hand finding his chin and she grabbed it delicately. Milo's face flushed, wondering what she was doing. He had his hoped up when she turned him away from her. Luckily, the sight took his mind off of the feeling of rejection.

There was a crumbling noise behind them and they turned to see Mole's vehicle come through the wall, the others with it. 

''Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis,'' Cookie said.

''It's beautiful.''

(Name) had to agree with Audrey because on top of that waterfall, was the city of Atlantis.


Guess who's not dead! I'm really sorry for the delay, truly!

I'm also sorry if you commented your questions or concerns for the book finishing and I haven't responded, I tried to do it to all of them but some I just genuinely didn't know what to put. The main message it that you shouldn't worry! This book is not finishing, I really enjoy writing it and I'm glad you guys enjoy reading it! I've just been a little overwhelmed recently, but I'm working through it.

I've decided that in order to make it up to you, I'll try do at least three chapters to day.So here's the first one!

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