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The air fell dead between them, Kian wondering what on Earth he had done yet still feeling guilty for upsetting her, and Jac internally cursing herself for reacting in such a way that Kian actually didn't argue back. She knew she had hurt his feelings when that happened.

Luckily enough the doors opened and relieved them of the icy atmosphere. Well, that's what they hoped for, but somehow one of their new nurses managed to make the situation worse.

"Mr Madani." She smiled. "It's your daughter. We tried to calm her down, but she won't stop crying for you two."

The nurse was beautiful to her own right - petite, blond and had one of those smiles that lit up the room. But what she said distracted him from her looks and caused him to frown.

"My daughter?"

"Emma?" The nurse elaborated, and Kian rolled his eyes. This nurse had somehow managed to make this situation even worse, which was a triumph. "Chloe asked me to look after her for a while? I'm Lucy."

"My daughter." Jac explained to the girl, noticing immediately the way she was admiring Kian and feeling her lip curl.

Lucy's eyes widened, shock immediately painting her face as she realised her blunder. "I'm so sorry, I just assumed-"

"Well you assumed wrong." Jac retorted, her words cutting Kian far more than they should've. "Now have you come here to make even more outlandish suggestions or do you want to take me to my daughter."

"Right, yeah. Uh, this way."

They followed the lady out of the elevator in complete silence, an unusual awkwardness falling between the pair. Kian knew he had messed up in that moment, and that the friendship they had been building over the past few months had just crumbled in the matter of minutes. But he had no chance to apologise at all on their way over for as soon as they entered the ward, they could hear the racket of a small voice shouting and presumably throwing things.

Both of the doctors sped up their walk, realising the extent of the dramatics Emma was putting on. When they reached the staff room, it was certainly a sight to see. Colouring books had been launched across the room, along with pillows, crayons and books as multiple members of staff had tried to calm her down. Sacha was the most recent victim, as he tried desperately to sooth the shouting child.

"WHERE'S MUMMY AND KIKI?!" Rang out through the entire hospital.

"We're here baby girl." Kian said as the pair ran in, falling to their knees at where she was sitting on the sofa.

They could literally hear Sacha sigh in relief as the toddler's wishes were fulfilled. Although instead of leaving, he watched as the joint clinical leads calmed the child down. Jac was her mother so of course she could control Emma, but Kian? That had risen out of absolutely nowhere! It seemed like he was almost acting as a father to the child, or at least that's how Emma saw him - a father figure at the hospital. Sacha was mainly surprised that Naylor actually let this bond form, as she seemed to be constantly terrified of letting her child down or others disappearing. And especially considering that Jac and Kian were constantly at each other's throats, it just seemed like a strange choice.

When it came to Emma's behaviour now though, Jac took the more militant approach, and began to tell her child off for causing such a raucous.

"Be quiet you silly girl! What have we said about how you act at work? If you keep acting like this I will just stop bringing you!" She growled at the child, who immediately stopped her tantrum and nodded.

"Mummy, I thought you and KiKi had left me." Emma's bottom lip began to quiver, and Jac caved in, pulling her into a reassuring hug.

"We would never do that." Jac promised as Kian's hand reached forward and rubbed the child's back. "Never. Right Madani?"

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