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"Checkmate!" Penny cheered as Kian huffed and fell back in his chair. "Don't worry, you're getting better!"

"I'm really not." The Canadian laughed, standing up to excuse himself so he could get back to work, but his patient was having none of it.

"One more match." She implored, and he sighed heavily in response.

"Only one, then I really do need to do my job."

"Deal." Penny agreed, setting out the pieces once more.

Kian swallowed hard and began to ask what he'd originally come over to ask her.

"So we're hoping to discharge you tomorrow." He explained, causing Penny to nod in recognition despite her concentration on their game. "But, me and Miss Naylor think it might help if you could talk through things with someone."

His patient's head suddenly snapped up to look at him, an almost attacking glare prevailing in her eyes.

"I do not need to see a shrink. You're far more useful than those fakes."

"And no one is forcing you to." Madani was quick to assure, playing his first move. "Now you are welcome to take my number when you leave here and of course I'll gladly have a coffee with you anytime."

Penny smiled wide and moved her bishop, already managing to steal his pawn.

"However," Kian continued as they played their game, trying to work out the best way to go about this. "You do need professional help. Grieving is not an easy thing, especially not to do alone."

"I'm fine!" She lied, but the Canadian visibly disagreed with her.

"You're really not Penny. This heart condition has literally been brought about by this inner turmoil and it is part of our job as doctors to see that you return to full health."

His patient scoffed. "I feel fine."

Sighing, Kian wasn't sure if he'd be able to deal with the stubbornness today. He was working the late and night shift with Jac and to be honest, he really did not have the effort required to survive her. One more week and he'd be free. Free of his yearning heart and the distraction of her. He'd finally be able to serve his patients to his full worth.

"Yes, but once we discharge you, we won't see you and we don't want you having more grief-induced heart attacks again." He explained as he took her bishop. "Now all I ask is that you see our on-site psychiatric nurse, Lucky Simpson. Then if it truly is the worst thing to ever happen to you, you never have to go again."

He looked up at her for the first time since he'd suggested it to find a rather conflicted Penny. It seemed like she didn't necessarily want to see Lucky, but was aware it was probably the right thing to do.

"Okay." She agreed, but pointed at Kian before he could celebrate. "But on one condition."

His brow furrowing with a perplexed smile, Madani wondered what on earth she wanted now.

"You keep that promise of coffee."

The Canadian laughed and nodded. "Now that's something I'm sure I'll be able to keep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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