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"Ready?" Kian asked, standing by the redheads side.

He was admittedly struggling to keep his anxiety down as they returned to Darwin, so had no clue how Jac was still standing. Her eyes skittishly scanned the room, like an animal caged with it's tormentor. He knew it'd been too early.

She had insisted that she came back to work as soon as she could, which Kian was particularly worried about but he knew at the same time that once Jac had made her mind up about something, she wasn't going to budge from that decision. However, now they were here, Naylor looked far more nervous and shaken than he'd ever seen her. In a bold move, Kian took her hand. Her gaze immediately snapped onto him, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." He assured, causing her face muscles to relax slightly and a small smile to tug at the edge of her lips.

She nodded, before her gazed dropped onto their intertwined hands and Kian realised what he'd done. He let go and cleared his throat, indicating with his head that they should get moving.

"So one and probably the only good outcome of this is that our ward's had a complete restocking and the theatres have been refurbished."

"It took 15 people to be murdered just to get new equipment." Jac sighed, and Kian couldn't deny her rather pessimistic logic.

"On that note, we have the memorial service this afternoon." Kian swallowed hard, they were never fun, especially when it was for colleagues and friends. He could just count his lucky stars that Jac wasn't one of them. "3:30, I think they said."

They reached their office door and Kian opened it, letting Jac enter first before following after.

"I was meant to collect the rings then." She cursed, limping over to her desk and throwing herself down into the chair.

Kian's brow furrowed as he perched on the edge of said desk. "They're not postponing it?"

"Nope." The red head shrugged, logging onto the system. "Guess they figured we all needed some positivity after everything."

He understood the point, and knew they were probably right.

"Well why don't I fetch them for you?"

Jac immediately shook her head. "No I couldn't ask you to-"

"It really wouldn't matter. I can drive there after the service, save time rather than you hobbling there on an injury you really should be resting." He assured, pushing a file forward to her. "And you have a ward to run."

"We have a ward to run." She corrected him with a disapproving eyebrow but paused for a moment, as if she was genuinely thinking about his offer. "But okay. Yeah."

"Yeah?" Kian's smile began to grow.

Jac looked confused at his reaction but continued to nod. "Yeah sure."

Kian jumped to his feet and pumped his fist in the air before walking over to his desk. She cocked her head to the side, trying to understand his over excitement at the prospect of doing a chore.

"What am I missing?" She asked, prompting a rather puzzled reaction from the Canadian. "Why are you so upbeat about going to get these rings?"

"L'amour Jacqueline!" He responded in a thick french accent. "Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé."

Since when did Kian speak french? And in such a romantic manner. Jac wasn't fluent but was conversational at least, so could easily translate it. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

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