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"What's happening?!" Fletch demanded, noticing far more movement in between the police and finding he was fed up of them feeding him lies.

The sergeant sighed and walked over to him, patting his shoulder as he directed them away from the rest of his team. For once, he was honest to the concerned victim.

"We cannot get a negotiator on the line, so we are preparing to go in." He explained, almost feeling sorry for the nurse as he spotted the worried and almost guilty look painted on his face. "We'll get her out. You have my word."

Fletch smiled slightly and nodded, about to return to the hospital patients when he spotted a familiar face through the glass of the front door.

"Jac." He gasped, his strange reaction catching the policeman's attention. "That's her. They're your shooters."

Sacha spotted her at the same time, dragging a confused Kian over with him and away from the Canadian's shouting at some poor, rather stressed rookie officer.

"What are you doing?"

"Look." He said, pointing.

All Madani saw was the flash of red hair in the light and straight away he tried to push past the police to get to her, only this time both Fletch and Sacha caught him.

He was fuming at her for putting herself in even more danger, especially when he was unable to help her or even be there. He'd planned to kill her himself if she made it out of this alive, but finally seeing her sent his pulse through the roof, an all consuming need to get her out of there coursing through his veins.

Suddenly all the police sprung into gear, surrounding the entrance at gunpoint.

"DROP EVERYTHING. HANDS ON YOUR HEADS!" They screamed, the sheer mass of voices causing Naylor's entire body to shake as she followed their orders.

She could now hear her heartbeat in her ears, the swelling against her eardrums actually giving her a headache. But before her hands could even lower her to the ground, a loud thud sounded behind her and suddenly her hair was grabbed. Hauled to her feet by Matt, she felt the familiar (as of today) pinch of cold metal on her scalp, his arm wrapping tightly around her neck. So much so that she struggled to breath under the pressure.

Jac grabbed at his arm, trying to prise it away from her, but the more she struggled the more painful it became. Her eyes darted around, pleading for any kind of help and the smallest piece of comfort.

You'd expect it to be held within the eyes of one of the armed police, but rather unexpectedly she found it within the three men holding each other back just behind them.

Kian. Sacha. Fletch.


Her co-clinical lead was staring at her with worry and concern etched into his brow. Fletch and Sacha were struggling to hold him back as he tried to fight their confines. She'd never seen so much panic possess him before, even on the mountain. What she wouldn't give to be in the safety of his arms right now.

"What are you doing?" She whispered urgently to the man behind her.

"We are not going to prison." Matt raged in Naylor's ear, before yelling at the police. "Did you hear that?! WE ARE NOT GOING TO PRISON!! So drop your guns or she dies!"

"You're going to be shot, you idiot." Jac continued to warn, finding the confidence and reassurance she needed in the three men. "What about Ben?"

"Ben would want this. He doesn't deserve to waste away in a cell. We don't."

Naylor couldn't understand his logic at all. She'd give anything to keep her sister alive, even if it meant they had to sacrifice their place in society. "Ben deserves to live."

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