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Nicky walked into work, groggy as can be. Christmas Day- turns out it's not a thrill to work on.

But the painful truth was that even on what should be the most hopeful day of the year still had casualties, and to treat casualties you need doctors.

After grabbing a coffee for her and Cam, Nicky got in the lift. The only positive of today was that she got to spend it with her boyfriend. It wasn't quite Hawaii, but it was something. He'd been so sweet in the past couple of days: making her dinner, giving her pre-christmas presents, cleaning the flat and splashing the cash on some fancy champagne. He was such a dream.

Her bag was packed with presents for her friends and colleagues, which McKendrick was incredibly excited to give out. She'd actually put effort into picking her gifts this year, it was just Chloe she'd found difficult to buy for. It had been a difficult past couple of months with her, especially since Nicky and Cameron had made it official. She should've known that Chlo would've been jealous, even though she'd sworn it wasn't about that.

"Hey superstar!" Kian cheered, walking past in perfect timing with the lift doors opening, so she joined his rather speedy stride. "We ready for a stand out shift?"

"You ask that everyday." McKendrick laughed as she nudged his shoulder. "We've just got to save lives for 8 hours and then I can go home and pig out on turkey."

The Canadian nodded in approval at the idea, his belly rumbling just at the thought of a good old Christmas roast. "You spending the evening with family then?"

"Cam." She responded instantly, causing Kian's heart to sink slightly.

If he was being perfectly honest, Madani wasn't certain about that boy. Something just... didn't sit right with him.

"Madani! Bed 3." Naylor called, prompting Kian to stiffen up and swallow hard.

This didn't go unnoticed by Nicky, her brow immediately furrowing at his unusual reaction. She hadn't seen him react to Jac like that in at least a year. They were the dream team now. Sure they fought, but they were never uncomfortable around each other. They had never been. Right?

"You feeling okay?"

The Canadian snapped his head to look at her before blinking the glossy sheen out of his eyes and nodding. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

McKendrick held her hands up in peace and shrugged.

"I'm just checking." She assured, before realising this was the perfect time to give him his present and jumping with excitement. "Ooo, I actually have something for you!"

Initially looking very confused, Kian's face lit up as she pulled out a rectangular box, decked in Christmas wrapping paper.

"What's this?" He gasped, delighted that she'd been so kind.

"Open it!"

The F2 watched eagerly as Madani ripped through the paper, and he was not bitterly disappointed by any means.

"It's a SPORK!" Kian actually shouted in excitement, engulfing her in a hug and spinning her around.

When she was eventually put down, Nicky bounced up and down with happiness.

"So you like it?"

Kian laughed and held it up to the light to admire it. "Do I like it? I love it! Now I can steal from any patient's plate!"

"Exactly!" She grinned and Kian turned to walk with her to the locker room. "So how's the ward been today?"

"Relatively busy." He explained, standing by the door and facing the other way to give Nicky her privacy. "We're mostly just dealing with emergencies because no one wants to go through elective surgery on Christmas Day. But the few there are, Jac's trying to work through."

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