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Merry Christmas! This is my present to you all. I realise that with Covid-19, Christmas may look different for a lot of you, but I hope you can all still find the joy that makes this celebration of life so popular. Please stay safe and protect yourselves as well as those around you - ThatStoryAuthor

On the evening of Sacha and Essie's wedding day, the party had erupted in the restaurant. People were drinking as much as they could from the free bar before the bride and groom noticed. Dom and Donna were going for it, Jac catching a glimpse of the six shots that'd been lined up for them. That's what happens when Holby staff have the night off, they really exploit their freedom.

Naylor remained at the corner of the room and watched the guests mingle. Rather, she watched Kian mingle. He was chatting with Fletch, Ange, Lucy, Nicky and Chloe, making them all cry with laughter. His lips were pulled into a charming smile, contrasting greatly to Jac's frown when she noticed the Canadian's arm around Lucy's waist. It wasn't made anyway better by the nurses hand on his chest.

An all consuming rage like she'd never felt before burnt in Jac's stomach as she watched the girl flirt with Madani. She knew there was no reason for Jac to be acting like this, it wasn't like Kian was or ever would be hers, so she deserves no loyalty from him. Yet still, this jealousy consumed her.

Kian could clearly feel his eyes baring into him as he scanned the room, his brow furrowed as he tried to work out what was causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. As soon as he spotted her, his brow relaxed and he smiled endearingly at her. God, she loved this man.

Nothing needed to be said for Kian to realise something was wrong with her as he tilted his head to the side, visually showing his worry. Naylor shook her head slightly, as if to say 'don't worry', but he didn't listen and let go of Lucy, excusing himself to come over to where Jac was.

However, just as he started towards her, the singer of the band tapped his mic to get everyone's attention.

"Could we now please make space on the dance floor for the bride and groom to have their first dance?"

Fletch grabbed Kian and pulled him to the side as the newlyweds walked into the circle created in the centre of the crowd.

Jac watched as Sacha span Essie around the floor to a song she didn't recognise, absolute adoration shining bright in his eyes as he gazed down at his new bride. Despite the unfaltering smile on her lips at the happy pair, a twang of pain shot through her heart as she was reminded for the seventh time that day of her destined loneliness.

For a brief moment her eyes skittered across the room and found the tall, dark haired Canadian. Or in other words, the source of this solitary feeling. He was watching, just like everyone else, and chuckling with Fletch at Sacha's adorable uncomfortableness in the dance. Jac took a moment to wonder what it would be like if it could be promised that she wouldn't destroy him by the end of it. So much happiness would be waiting for her, but so much pain for him.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sacha and Essie's parents join them on the dance floor, followed gradually by more and more guests as the song continued. Eventually everyone, including Fletch, was holding their loved one in their arms and slow dancing. Not Jac though, no. She remained in the corner alone, avoiding eye contact with any creepy old relative of Sacha's who were suggesting they were going to ask her to dance.

"Thirsty?" Kian laughed, taking her by complete surprise as she finished downing her champagne.

"Kian!" She greeted with a rather embarrassed look on her face, putting down her glass before drowning at him. "Why aren't you dancing? I thought you were with Lucy?"

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