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Four weeks later, and the hospital was buzzing. Whilst the repercussions of the shooting were still prevalent still, the mood between the staff was at an all time high. This was all down to Sacha and Essie's wedding.

Today was the day of the ceremony, and so Max had been forced to call in agency workers to fill in for all the staff attending. So whilst they worked double shifts, the 'gang' were all headed for some fancy hotel where the wedding guests were staying over night. Although the synagogue that the ceremony was taking place in was a good half an hour away, the restaurant for the reception, which had had brilliant reviews by the way, was only a ten minute walk.

That was the part Kian was looking forward to the most, the food. Sacha had promised it wouldn't be a traditional Jewish reception, which allowed for the typical drunk wedding guests to not offend. But the ceremony was going to be very traditional, 'sticking to the book' as they may say and Kian wasn't exactly thrilled. He was like a toddler, he needed entertainment. It wasn't that it was Jewish, it would be the same with any other religion, it was just that they weren't sky diving (for example) when they said their vows. Now THAT would be a wedding Kian would be willing to attend.

Jac had been manic all morning, running around like a headless chicken on an effort to make sure everything was perfect for her best friend's big day. Kian, on the other hand, was chasing her around and trying to keep her for the most part sane. Eventually, he'd just had enough and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

"Stop. We have two and a half hours till it all starts." Kian ordered, clearly taking Jac by surprise slightly. "You need to get ready. Everything here is sorted and if they need anything, they can call me. I've learnt it all just by following after you."

"Stop being ridiculous, I can't lea-" She protested, but Madani was having absolutely none of it, interrupting her straight away.

"Yes you can, and you are going to."

Jac furrowed her brow suspiciously and scanned him with beady eyes. "What's the colour of the placemats then?"

"Imperial purple."

"Type of wine glas-?"

"Vintage stemless."

She was clearly impressed with his knowledge as her eyebrow shot up. Fighting everything in his body as he tried to resist the urge to say 'I told you so', the Canadian crossed his arms over his chest. He couldn't help it.

"I told you so."

Despite all her efforts to suppress it, Jac did smirk slightly. "You've been waiting a long time to say that."

"Yep." Kian grinned. "Now come on, we gotta get you dressed in something that doesn't look like PJs."

Just as he turned to walk with her, he spotted Adrian Fletcher sneak his head around the kitchen door. Furrowing his brow, the Canadian ignored it but was forced to do a double take before sighing.

"You okay?" Jac asked, touching his arm lightly.

"Um, yeah." He responded, smiling at her for a second before looking back at Fletch. "Look you go ahead, get dolled up, I'll be right behind you."

The red head made retching noises at the way he phrased that, but nevertheless actually listened to what he said and headed back to the hotel. Just as she left the restaurant entrance, Fletch came sprinting in from the back.

"Tell me Jac's not coming back." He begged, and a confused Madani chuckled.

"She'll be gone till the wedding now, why?"

The director of nursing sighed heavily. "We have an issue."

Oh Lord, here we go. Murphy's law that as soon as he got the opportunity to brag to Jac for being right, something would have to go wrong.

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