Four~ Transitions and transformations

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 After the doctors were really suspicious as to why my wounds were healing faster than humanly possible and a lot of negotiating and convincing, they finally discharge me. Still wearing Derek's shirt and my now three day old pants, Mrs. McCall walks in and sees me walking out of the hospital room and engulfs me in a hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay. Your dad stopped by earlier before you were awake. Do you want me to call him to come get you?" She pulls me back into a hug bu this time I pull away and give her a smile.

"Melissa, I'm okay, trust me. All my wounds are almost all the way healed and I don't have a concussion. I'm fine. I'll have Stiles drive me home and to the game if I'm feeling up to it. If that's okay with you Doc." I give her a hopeful look. 

   "Well I mean the doctor cleared you so I guess you're free to go. I'm just shocked that you healed that fast. I guess they weren't as bad as they looked." I shrug just as Stiles comes out of the bathroom.

   "Harlow, you ready to go- Oh hey Mrs. McCall! I'm gonna take Harlow. Dad told me to pick her up, they aren't letting him leave- I don't know, something about the murders and Der-" He gets cut off by out Melissa putting her hand up and Stiles stops speaking.

   "Guys. GO. I'm just glad you're not in a coma or dead. If you say you're okay to go, then I believe you." With that I look at her and give her a hug before walking out to Stiles's jeep. When I get in I go to call my dad but his phone goes straight to voicemail. Stiles shrugs and I try again. I got the scent of a sweaty boy and I know Scott is hiding in the back. I decided to just let him think I don't know he's there and turn to my brother.

   "Hey did you say that Derek is involved with the murders?" I say out of the blue. I lean my head against the window as I remembered the feeling of his hand. I felt really secure and safe when I was with Derek, like all he's trying to do is protect me in a way. Somehow it makes me more attracted to him than ever before. I don't know how I should feel about him, but something about the way he smiles or the way he carries himself makes me want to be around him more and more. I smile at the thought and Stiles catches me in the action.

   "Why, do you loooove him? Do you want to kiss and marry him?" Stiles says in a brotherly taunting voice. 

   "Shut up, Stiles. What are you 12? I do not. I mean yes I do LIKE him- as a person- but I don't loooove him. I've only known the dude for a week." I say rolling my eyes and trying to hide the blush that has formed all over my body. "I'm just curious, that's all." I'm about to say something else when Scott shoots up from the back and tries to scare me. "Scott I could smell you before I got in so don't even try." Scott frowns and sits back, crossing his arms. 

   "Damn nose. Where are we going anyways? Shouldn't we be heading to the school?" Scott asks while leaning forward and looks between me and Scott. 

   "We are heading to the school but Derek is taking Harlow. Scott, he said you need to go with them. You know so you don't wolf out and kill Allison or more importantly- ME!" Stiles says looking at Scott through the mirror. Scott pouts. 

   "No. I made first line I'm not missing my first actual game, I can control this I promise- And if you try and stop me Stiles, I will kill you." Scott says flashing his eyes yellow and staring straight at my brother. There was no more arguing after that, night was gonna fall soon and all I can do is hope that neither of us kills someone.

The rest of the car ride from the hospital to the school is silent. I think about everything the boys told me when I woke up. Scott's not suppose to play in the game and with it being the full moon Derek said he has somewhere we- well I guess I- can go to be safe. How they found the other half of the body who just so happened to be Derek's sister, Laura. Also, that they got Derek thrown in jail and for being wrongly accused of murdering her and being released a day later. I can feel my emotions begin to heighten and I see that the sky is beginning to darken. I look at the time on my phone and realize it's 8:30 p.m. I take in a deep shaking breath and slowly place my phone into my pocket. 

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