Nine~ Last resorts and raised questions

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 "Not yet." He says and a lump forms in my throat. "But I have a last resort."

My heart drops with what he's about to say next.

"What do you mean? What 'last resort'?!" I yell and Derek pulls up his sleeve revealing the infected bullet wound.

 "Oh my god! What is that?" My brother says almost throwing up. The wound is all black and blue and oozing some purplish goo. "Oh my god, is that contagious?" Stiles says gagging. "You know, you should probably just get out-" 

"Start the car." I and Derek say at the same time, looking at Stiles. "Now," I growl.

Stiles looks between me and Derek and rolls his eyes. "You know, I don't think you should be barking orders, with the way you look, okay? I-In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could drag your little werewolf asses out to the middle of the road and leave you for dead!" Stiles says with confidence. 

   "Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out..." The boys stare blankly at each other. "With my teeth," Derek says and Stiles stares at him for a second longer, contemplating his odds, but angrily starts the car and begins to drive. I sit back with a huge grin on my face and look out the window.

   A few minutes start to go by and I'm getting anxious for Scott to tell us that he found the bullets so I decide to text him. 

   To Scott: Derek's not looking so good.

No reply.

   To Scott: Call me.

Still no call or reply. 

About an hour goes by and Scott finally calls Stiles. 

"Dude, what the hell?" Stiles yells to Scott over the phone. 

   "Sorry Allison's aunt told me to stay for dinner. Got held up. What are  you gonna do with Derek?" Scott says on the other line. 

   "What am I supposed to do with him?" Stiles says annoyed.

"I don't know take him somewhere, anywhere!" I can tell that Scott is trying to be quiet.

Stiles sighs and makes a face. "And by the way, he's starting to smell." I and Derek both roll our eyes. 

   "Like-Like what?" Scott asked in a hushed whisper. 

   "Like death," Stiles says gagging again. I got to smack his shoulder but then an idea hits me. 

    "Wait- take him to the animal clinic!" I say and I hear Scott agree. 

"What about your boss?" Stiles asks resting his hand on the steering wheel. 

  "He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster..." Scott informs. Stiles sighs again in annoyance and hands the phone to Derek. 

   "Did you..find it?" Derek asks quietly. 

"How the hell am I supposed to find one bullet? They have like a million! This house is like the freaking Walmart of guns." Scott says impatiently. I grab the phone from Derek and hold it up to my ear. 

   "Look if you don't find it, then Derek's dead, alright?" I say through my teeth. Scott sighs. 

  "I'm starting to think that's not such a bad thing." He says nonchalantly. 

   "Then think about this," I say looking at Derek through the mirror. "The Alpha called us out against our will. He'll do it again. Next time, it's either kill with him or be killed. So if you want to stay alive then we need Derek. Find the bullet." I say and hang up the phone. Derek looks back at me and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. 

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